Meet the Main Characters

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(I'm only gonna write about Waelynn here cuz I kinda did a brief description on Bear in the "pre story info" so if you want to know more about him, in real life, you can look it up online or just go back and read the quick summary I have about him previous to this) :)

Also- Feel free to message me anytime with suggestions and feedback on your feelings about Scenic Route :)

Waelynn Clark- Born and raised a Red Sox fan, Waelynn is proud to call Boston her home sweet home. That is, until she received a scholarship for college overseas in England for her skills in ballet. Waelynn has practiced dance her whole life, and finds that dance is that only true way she can express her feelings. Perhaps that's the reason she felt bitterness towards Bear right from the start.

Girls were all over him for his smokin' accent and rugged good looks, guys were jealous of his survival skills and knowledge, and what was she? Envious. Waelynn was never good with people, and had few friends because of her shyness, while on the other hand, Bear didn't even have to tell someone his name for them to already bond on a personal level. He was so friendly, good-natured, wild and outgoing, with a positive outlook on life, no matter what trial faced him.

Waelynn ran into Bear in her chemistry class at school in England, and he was always polite to her, and continuously tried to extend a hand in fridndship her way, perhaps the reason was that her quiet, mysterious personality intrigued him. Waelynn always pushed him away, refusing to bond with someone so.. Out of her league.

Or so she thought.

Waelynn has always been a very obedient, studious girl as far as everyone knows her, and she has long, wavy chestnut hair, and soft green eyes. Not much of a nature-oriented person, it comes as a shock to her when Bear suddenly offers to take her on a hiking trip through the Mt. Hood National Forest in Oregon, Maybe at an attempt at becoming friends, or something more, and forcing trust, honor, and diligence into their newfound adventure as their relationship blooms while they learn more about themselves and eachother on this wild, comedic, tender journey in the woods together.

Read more in Scenic Route to find out <3

Xx/ Ferry Jo

**Disclaimer- All picture credit to Tumblr and Google

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