Chapter Four: Choke It Down

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We traipsed through the mist as I cautiously wove my way around large stumps and muddy areas that expanded across the ground. Bear squeezed my hand reassuringly as I tried not to slip on the slick pine needles strewn across the dirt. After the moment we shared in the trees earlier, we headed back to our little camp, packed up what few things we had, and set off deeper into the valley, without any sense of direction.

With no conversation previous, Bear suddenly turned his head over his shoulder asking, out of the blue, "Would you dance for me?" I felt the heat of a crimson blush seep across my chilled cheeks. I nodded, smiling, before looking around.

Suddenly, I spotted a large fallen oak tree. The bark was stripped clean off and the trunk looked sturdy enough to hold my weight. I tossed my backpack onto a spread of moss near the uprooted stump as I pulled myself up onto the log, carefully balancing on the back as I stood on my feet. I shot Bear one of his trademark winks quietly as he sat down against some sagebrush a few feet away.

(sorry guys I'm gonna try my best in this next part haha I don't exactly know all of the ballet terminology or steps perfectly so BEAR with me haha I'm not funny)

I cleared my throat, closed my eyes, and crossed my arms in front of me. I stood on the tips of my shoes as I stretched my arms Ecarte so they were open in front of me. I lifted one slender leg in the air as I moved my pointed foot Rond Je Jambe in a circle around me, as daintily as possible when wearing clunky hiking boots. My arms gracefully moved Port De Bras as I stood En Face.

(this is so difficult to write I have to look up all the correct terms aha I'm so uneducated, and if you are too and have no clue what im trying to say, just understand that Waelynn is performing beautiful ballet steps currently aha but if you do know the French steps I am attempting to refer to, and what I'm writing is literally making no sense, ignore it haha I'm trying my best here okay lmao no judgment zone)

My arms straightened as they reached Tendu En Arriere as my toes remained Croise. I reached up and I performed Tendu En L'Air while my other leg formed a sturdy Plie. I spun on the ball of my foot, when suddenly, the soggy wood of the log tore apart, ripping down the center of the trunk, causing my foot to slip, sending me cascading forwards for the ground, very un-ladylike.

Bear shot up from his sitting position where he had remained mesmerized for the last several moments as he watched me. He leapt out in front of me, but hadn't gotten his footing sturdy enough in time to catch me, and I heavily fell onto his chest, causing Bear to stumble and ultimately fall backwards under the weight of both of us.

I felt my lip start to slowly bleed down my chin again. I must've hit it on the ground when we fell. I lifted my head, shaking the leaves from my hair as I looked over at Bear, whose firm  hands were tightly wrapped around my back, hugging me to his torso. He dropped his head back onto the ground, letting out a gut-wrenching laugh as he flashed me his pearly-whites.

I dipped my thumb into a puddle of mud next to us as I smeared a cold streak across his forehead. Bear raised a muddy eyebrow as he reached up above our heads, and pulled off a green fern stem. He stuck the frond in my loosely braided hair. I giggled while hoisting myself up on the palms of my hands to get back up on my feet. I brushed debris and dirt from my knees as Bear handed me by pack. I slung it over a shoulder as he complimented me. "You truly are a beautiful dancer, Waelynn.. Even if you did slip." I rolled my eyes as he gave me a wink, playfully. "Thanks Bear."

We set off again towards what was thought would be the direction of a river deeper in the valley so we could replenish our fresh water, and I was starting to feel the rumbling of my stomach.

I think Bear could hear it too, because right then he turned to me, and asked if I wanted to stop to eat. I vigorously nodded as Bear gave me a wicked grin. I had a feeling we weren't going to be munching on peanuts and granola anymore.

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