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I ran and ran until I got to my house. I ran up the steps and looked back. And saw Damon. I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door. But somthing cold grasped my wrist.

"Bella please let me explain" I looked over and a tear left his eye. I couldn't stand to see him like this.

"Fine. but please just don't hurt me" I I said in a whisper.

He told me everything and what he was. I was shocked but I could get use to it. right?

Me and Damon were walking to his house hand in hand.
"So about that date...?" I said trailing off.

"Oh! Right! Ya I'm bringing you somewhere tomorrow and it's fancy so wear something really nice" he said with a smirk.
Well we got to his house and started watching a horror movie.

I was cuddling with him when I heard a big loud bang. I looked over to see a man. His eyes were red. he was a vampire.

"Well well well, who's your hot friend Damon?" He asked with a grin.

"No one" he spat at him.

"Is she one of your girl toys? Because I'm kinda hungry right now. He licked his lips and leaped for me. I ran upstairs not knowing what to do. I got upstairs and ran into a room. I heard banging from downstairs then it got quiet...

I looked down stairs to see Damon lying there with a stake in his lower stomach. I let out a whimper and ran towards him. I knew he wasn't dead or gunna die because it wasn't in his heart. I ripped off a peace of my shirt and wrapped it around the wound

"Bella behind you!" He yelled I grabbed the stake that was laying on the ground and turned around but it was too late. It turned black.

I got knocked out.

I fluttered my eyes open to see a man in front of me I started getting worried because I had no Idea where I was.

"Hey klaus she's awake" he yelled and a man came walking down the stairs.

"Well hello there love, what is your name?" He asked and I didn't answer. I was too busy trying to get out of the chair I was tied too.

He walked over and grabbed my mouth. "I asked a question. You better answer me or I will kill you." He spat at me while holding a blade to my neck

"Bella" I said quietly.

"Well you're Damon's girlfriend right?" I didn't answer because I didn't even know.

"Well then we'll go straight to the point. Damon has my family and he won't give them back. So I took you. A trade for trade" he looked at me straight faced. I still never answered.

He took out his phone.
And dialled a number.

"Hello Damon you have twenty four hours to give me back my family or else she dies." When I heard that I was in shock. I couldn't move.

He turned of his phone and walked over too me. and felt my neck so delicately. I then felt a burning pain on it and looked to see klaus biting me.

It felt like two needles at the same time that were on fire. It stung so badly.
He pulled back and licked his lips.

"You taste even better then I thought you would" he grinned and left the room.

I didn't know what to do. I looked around and I saw a window that I think I could fit in. I got up and ran backwards toward the brick wall and busted the chair. I did it about 5 times and I was free. I looked over and grabbed a metal stick that was lying up against the wall I ran over to the window and bashed it open. I heard foot steps and I was getting really scared.

I leaped up and tried to fit out the window but I was too big. I jumped back don't with tears running down my eyes. I ran behind the door with my metal stick. I heard the door rattle and then it swung open. He slowly walked in. He was standing in front of where the broken chair lay. I ran over and hit is head with the stick.

I took all my anger out in that hit. The man who was unknown to me was knocked out.
I cried more. I was lost in thought.

*CRASHHHH* I heard at loud noise coming from upstairs. I held the stick in my hand and creeped up the stairs.

I saw Damon. He was standing there with broken glass on his hand and his hand was bleeding.
I leaped over and grabbed him. I held onto him for what seemed like forever but was only a couple of seconds. I pulled back to see his face with a single tear dripping down.

I looked over to klaus who had 3 coffins beside him.
"Where is the forth coffin?" He said three gritted teeth.

"Sorry I don't have it" he looked at him and looked back to me. Klaus was about to say something but Damon picked me up and vampire sped to my house.
I looked back to make sure klaus wasn't there. and he wasn't. But I knew he wasn't going to stop until he had the forth coffin.

"I still can't get over that you're a vampire" I said and winked at him.
He chuckled.
We stood on my porch talking.
"So I'll see you tomorrow at school then our date?" He starred at me with his deep eyes.
"Yup yup see you then" I was walking in my door when something cold grasped my wrist.

I spun around and met eyes with Damon. He leaned in and kissed me.
This wasn't like any other kiss. This one was full of passion and lust. I couldn't stop. But he did, he looked at me and smiled and walked down the steps.

"Bye Bella" he said,

"Bye Damon"

Damon Salvatore love storyWhere stories live. Discover now