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Today in cheerleading we were going to see who all is going to compete at the competition later on this week. It was girls and guys tryouts.

I'm trying out with a guy named Andrew who I became friends with a while ago we've been practising for weeks now. I gotta say we are pretty good.

I walked onto the field with him and we did our routine a little while after he landed a back flip and I ran up and did a front hand spring into a back handspring and jumped up as high as I could and did a twisty flipped and it landed into a back flip.
I ran over to Andrew and jumped up into his arms and hugged him for a minute when I heard a person clear their throat.

The coach standard up and clapped and had a huge smile on his face.

"Wonderful. Just wonderful. I'll let you guys know" he said and sat down.
We ran to the bleachers.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and looked over.
I said Kaley. I nearly laughed because her face wasn't the same colour as her neck from her makeup. her face looked like it was only in the sun and turned orange.

"Your performance was terrible, just to let you know" she laughed at me.
And her army of followers laughed along too as if it was funny.

"Just like your makeup" I smirked "You look like a f*cking Orange" I chuckled and so did Andrew.

"Just to let you know" Andrew cut in.
I laughed and Kaley stormed off with her army. I high-fived him and began to watch the rest of the tryout.


I ran out the school as Damon rolled up with his fancy car. He got out and opened the door for me.

"Wow such a gentlemen" I smirked and he chuckled.

"You know it" he said and jogged over to his side of the car.

He drove off and everybody was looking at us in amazement.

"So there's a Halloween party tomorrow night at my friend nicks house. wanna go?" Damon looked over at me and smiled.

"Is there any drinking" I asked wanting some.

"Yes, yes there is" he said.

"Then yes, I would love to go." I said and smiled.

"Okay good" he smiled back.

We went out for coffee and he drived me home. When I got there I ran upstairs and started looking for a costume.
I picked out a witch costume. I know, so original? Ya.

*** the next day***

The day went by like a blur. I don't even waking up in the morning.

Well it was an hour till the party and I kept getting more and more excited. I put my costume on and straightened my hair.

I ran downstairs and texted Damon,
"don't getting ready, are you?" I typed and sent.

A few seconds later he replied.

"Yup b there in 5" I put down my phone and got a quick bit to eat and before I knew it he was here.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Hey you look really good" he smirked and hugged me.

"Thankssss so do you" I smiled and we jumped in the car and drove off to the party.

As we arrived I I took a long look at the house. It was huge.
I was amazed.

"Are you ready?" Damon asked me.

"Yup I am" I stated. and we walked Into the party.

It was crowded inside. I could barely move. When a guy came up to us. he was cute. he had blonde hair & blue eyes and he was tall.

" Hey Damon! I knew you'd show up" he said hugging him.
"Don't I always?" He chucked and nodded.

"Who's the lady?" He asked.
His eyes trailed up and down my body.

"I'm Bella" I said and Damon and I went to the dance floor.
We danced for a bit when I need to go get a drink.
I left and went into the kitchen where I spotted Damon's friend, nick.

I went to the drink table and got some punch.
I turned around and came face to face w justin.

"Hey beautiful" he winked at me.
"Ah hi" I tryed to go around him when he stood in front of me.
when he grabbed my booty. I winced and he grabbed my face and started to kiss me.

I pulled away and gave him a dirty look. he leaned in again but Damon came and pushed him out of the way.

"Bella are you okay" Damon asked

"Yea ya fine" I said and Damon looked over to justin.

"She's my girl nick don't hit on her" Damon scowled to justin.

"Oh shit I'm sorry Damon! & Bella! I didn't know" he said and walked away.

I knew people did stupid stuff when thy are drunk so I couldn't blame him.

After a while of dancing and talking && making friends. we left.

Damon drove me home.

"Hey thanks for bringing me to the party I had a fun time!" I said and gave him a hug.

"Well thanks for coming with me!" He said.
"Well I have to go. bye Bella!" I said getting into his fancy car.
"Bye Damon!" I yelled and I ran upstairs and dozed off.

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