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AHHHHHHHHHHHHH IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT, I've been so busy with school.


Daisy's P.O.V

I stand there frozen clinging onto Ella's arm. Fucking hell this isn't happening this can't be happening?! She's dead! I watched her die?!

'Calm down babe' Colton whispers in the mind link

How can I fucking clam down?! That's Leah! Leah fucking Clark!


"Leah! We shouldn't be here!" A seven year old Daisy whines

"Yeah leah, mom said we shouldn't go this far" Ella whispers

"Oh man up guys!" A twelve year old Leah laughs. Yep that's right Leah's my sister. Me her and Ella were the perfect sisters, never leaving each-others side.


"Le what was that?" I whisper and cling onto Ella

"Daisy it was nothing calm down" Leah mutters, she's always been the calm one even though you can see the fear in her eyes.


"Leah!" Ella screams, a man growls and grabs Leah's arms.

"Get off her!" I scream and run over, only to be grabbed by another man. I look over and see Ella in another mans arms, the last thing I remember was a man whispering "Night night, chosen one" that's when I blacked out.

When I woke up me and Ella were laying on the forest floor, a pool of blood infront of us where Leah once was.

They killed her...

*End of flashback*

Tears pooled my vision and without thinking I launched at the vampires, shifting into my fully golden wolf. Ella growls and does the same, snapping at anyone who came near.

One of the vampires stepped forwards snarling....HA! That was a mistake.

I launch at him and clamp my jaws on his neck, pulling the head clear off.

(I'm keeping this scene PG so I'm not putting in the fight scene )

After about an hour, I run over to my older sister and jump into her arms sobbing

"L-Leah? W-We thought you were killed?" I sob and look up at her

She smiles sadly and shakes her head "They just took me, I found my mate and he helped me escape. Then those dicks took me" she sighs

"LEAH CLARK!" Ella screams and storms over to her "NEVER DO THAT TO US AGAIN! TEN YEARS!" she breaks down in her arms "Ten years we thought you were dead"

Colton comes over and takes me in his arms, I immediately relax and melt into his arms.

"I'm Colton, Daisy's mate" he holds out his hand

"Leah, if you hurt her you'll be killed. Got it?" She smiles sweetly, but damn she looked scary.

I here Colton gulp, PHAHAHAHAHA He's scared of my sister "Y-Yes ma'am " he nods

"Good! Now lets go find mom and dad!" Leah grins, my big sisters back! I couldn't be happier!

The Rejected Mate [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now