135 letter

116 10 0

Dear God

When I said that this is the last letter and I'm gonna say goodbye, I really thought so. But today, when I put the letters in the box and pushed it under the bed, I felt that something was missing. My farewell was bad. It was ugly. And painful. I know that in any case it does hurt, but I want to make something clear.

You listened to me when I was hurt. If schoolmates teased me and I mourned the death of my family members. Cancer everywhere. Foxes everywhere. Lies everywhere. Just a big pain. Pain that ate me to ashes. I'm still broken, but I'm healing. Do you believe that I can do it? I hope that. I will do anything for it.

I have big dreams and I don't hate you. No, I love you more than my life. One day I'll die for you and see you then. Are you waiting for me? I hope so.

Stay in touch

Your big girl

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