chapter eleven

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sorry I made you cry last chapter


Ashton and I were stood in my bedroom, in Sydney, Ashton had a smart black button up on and some skinny jeans, a black tie around his neck. I was wearing something similar, but with a white shirt and a black blazer on over it.

"Is this gonna work?" I asked Ashton who nodded and stood up from my bed.

He came up to me and kissed me softly before hugging me tightly. "We'll be fine, Lu." He pressed a kiss to my forehead and I sighed.

"I hope so."


Ashton, Mum, Dad, Jack and I (Ben was looking after his daughter at home and couldn't come) sat in the hallway at the councils building. We had to go to a meeting, and present our case as to why we wanted and should be together. Only Ash and I had to go in, but Ashton was doing all the talking for me.

My hand squeezed Ashton's when I saw a couple walk out, the girl was sobbing and I watched as she took a ring off her ring finger and gave it to the man. The guy nodded and kissed her forehead softly before they left.

I stared up at Ashton, "I love you."

Ashton seemed to have known why I said it, he kissed me. "I love you too. We'll be fine."

"They were engaged, Ash." I whispered. "What if they make us break up? I don't want to be apart from you."

Ashton kissed me softly, "We will be fine." He whispered.

I sighed and nodded.

Ten minutes later it was our turn to go in. Mum gave me a kiss on the cheek and dad hugged me and Jack did the same before Ashton took my hand. We entered a large room. It had one long table with three people sitting behind it. There was two seats, where Ashton and I were told to sit, Ashton sat first and I beside him.

Ashton and I had a hand entwined with one another's as the people at the table stared us down.

"You have five minutes to tell us why you should be together. You may begin."

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