Day 2

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Day 2
Proverbs 31:11


Her husband has full confidence in her¹
and lacks nothing of value.²


The Heart of her husband trusteth in her,¹ And he shall have no lack of gain.²


Her Husband trusts her without reserve,¹ and never has reason to regret it.²


I threw the Message version because I like the way it broke it down.

¹Her husband trusts her without reserve. What does that mean? Well, we can see that the husband trusts her, but without reserve? Reserve means to keep something for a special or future use. Using that definition, he doesn't hold back his trust for her because she is special. He also has full confidence in her, whatever she does.

²And never has reason to regret it. He trusts, has confidence and doesn't lack value for her, or in her. He never regrets trusting in something she says or something she does, even if he doesn't agree or like it he trusts in her.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for another beautiful day here on planet earth. Thank you for my future husband, that he will trust and have full confidence in me. And he won't regret it later if something goes wrong and even when it goes perfectly well. He will always love, respect, care and trust in me.
In your name I pray,

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