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You: *is taking care of a sick Second Player*

2P!America: *groans and buries head into pillow* Ughhhh, why are you even here? You really wanna see me all fragile and shit? Fuck no... get out *hides face in blankets but doesn't actually want you to leave*

2P!China: I'm so tired... But this doesn't feel much worse than a hangover or that one time I nearly had an overdose... Wait, what did you just say? hELLZ YEAH I'M STILL DOWN FOR SEX?????!!!??

2P!England: *kitten sneeze* I'm so sorry poppet... You really don't have to be here... I'm probably such a bother aND OH MY GOODNESS YOU MADE ME SOUP HOW SWEET OF YOU AWWWWH-

2P!France: *violent fit of coughing* .......... I'm fucking FINE,,

2P!Russia: I can take care of myself just fine... You really don't need to be here... *weakly reaches for remote* ......okay but can you hand me that please

2P!Italy: gET. OUT. *cough* -nOWWW. *throws tissue box at the door as you flee* Guhhh... *once you're gone, he curls into a fetal position* No one is allowed to see me all weak like this... *angry grumbling* No one...

2P!Germany: Yo, while we're locked in my room like this, why don't we watch four straight hours of porn together? ;DDDDDD *sounds like he's totally kidding* ... *is totally not kidding*

2P!Japan: *blushes when you place a wet cloth on his forehead* ......let's just take a bath together.

2P!Canada: I'm not sick *coughs* I'm totally fine *sneezes* I don't even have a fever *his skin is over 100 degrees* I can totally go to work tomorrow- *passes out from exhaustion*

2P!Romano: *whines* I feel so gross... And I was planning to re-dye my hair today *pouts* Anyway...~ Toss me that new issue of Vogue, will you darling? *passes time by reading magazines with you*

2P!Austria: This king has fallen... *sniffles* Just kidding!~ Anyhoo, have you heard of World of Warcraft? *stares at you like an excited puppy* You should really...... try it,,,,,

2P!Prussia: I-I'm so sorry if I'm being a bother... I feel like a burden to you... I-I mean, you probably have so much better and more important things to do than take care of me, don't you...?

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