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2Ps react to catching their S/O rapping to Cardi B or any other rap song like Nicki Minaj or Eminem, etc.

2P!America: This boy will fall even deeper in love. High-key impressed, will beat-box, will dance, will holler... I can't express enough how much he loves watching you rap.

2P!China: Once he snaps out of his awe-struck haze, he'll start rapping his knuckles on the wall, completely immersed. He thinks it's badass, and would chant for an encore.

2P!England: Cheers you on the whole time. Absolutely loves your confidence and the empowerment of the song you chose. He can't wait to brag about your talent to the others.

2P!France: Low-key loves watching you rap. He's not the type to make a huge thing out of it, but he will be nodding his head to the song, finding your confidence pretty hot honestly.

2P!Russia: Even though he wouldn't listen to rap, he'd be absolutely amazed by your skill and confidence. He'd be one to watch rather than join in, but enjoys it nonetheless.

2P!Italy: Loves, loves the confidence and badassery. He'll definitely expect an encore. Though he won't join in, he will be clapping at the end, grinning at your talent.

2P!Germany: Loves it. Lives for it. Breathes for your rapping. He adores the empowerment to what you're rapping, and his friends won't stop hearing about it for the next week.

2P!Japan: Low-key adores it. Once you really get into it, he'll be rapping his knuckles on the wall, spurring you on. Honestly thinks it's incredible to watch you explore your talents.

2P!Canada: You rap, he beat-boxes. He'll drum a beat on the wall, thoroughly impressed with your skill. 100% going to ask for an encore. He's immensely proud of you.

2P!Romano: He'll do a backing track composed of "Yaasss" and "Ayyy". He loves, loves, loves you rapping to such an empowering song. Impressed, will show it, will brag to others.

2P!Austria: Not his style, but who fucking cares - you look and sound badass, and he loves the confidence. He'll be watching you with a creepy grin on his face the whole time.

2P!Prussia: Kinda overwhelmed by the confidence you're expressing, but loves the fact that you can do this and rap with such skill. He'll be internally cheering you on from the sidelines.

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