Legend Of The Wendigo

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A Wendigo starts out as a Humans, Who is isolated with a group of people within a Forest for long periods. Over time, Cannibal Instincts take over a person, Causing him to Kill and eat his\her companions.

Soon the Cannibalistic nature turns him\her into a Monster; A Creature that now Dwells within it's new environment and hungers for human flesh.

A Wendigo is always starving. When it sees you, You cannot outrun it, Stop it, Or Kill is. Being a supernatural, Spiritual Entity, The Wendigo will stalk and hunt down it's Prey.

They are terrifying beasts; Unstoppable and relentless and always insatiable. Wendigoes only appear in cold Forests during the night, And always during acts of Cannibalism. Their territory is vast, Spanning the great lakes of the Dakotas.

A Wendigo is indestructible and ferocious, Hunts perfectly using stealth, Speed, It's animal-like senses, And absolutely silent. It's Deafening Roar frightens all who hear it and is often a sign that it's too late to escape it.

It's most horrifying ability is the Wendigo Fever; A terrible curse that causes it's Victims to turn insane, Experience strange odors, Terrible nightmares, And a burning sensation in his\her legs that they run into the wilderness in zero clothes. Some never return. Those that do are irrevocably insane, Claimed by the curse.

Descriptions of a Wendigo's appearance are often misleading and disturbing. Some reports claim it to be similar to Bigfoot, Werewolves, Or deer, But others describe it differently.

A Wendigo's appearance is mostly related to Native American lore; Human body, Long arms, Sharp claws, Extremely thin (As in paper thin), Hideous, Very tall (8-15 Feet Tall), k-9 teeth, And crowned with a Deer's skull or antlers atop it's Head.

Officials and scientists believe the Wendigo legend is related to what's called "Wendigo Psychosi," An extreme form of cabin fever.

Wendigo Psychosis is where someone is with a group of people, Food is abundant, And winter is about and they're isolated for several days. The person starts to believe he\she may turn into a Monster and Kill his\her companions.

This syndrome results in the person believing they will not stop Cannibalizing and thus become the Monster. Similar to Drug Addiction, It's urge to eat and never stop eating is seen too often in nature.

While many reports of the Wendigo are skeptical and disturbing, One case involves someone 'Hunting' these creatures...

                                                                                                                                              October 7th, 1907.

A Cree Indian named Jack Fiddler was claimed to be an accomplished Wendig hunter, Having Killed fourteen Wendigoes during His lifetime. (they don't like Fire)

He and his son, Joseph, Were arrested and tried for murdering a woman believed to have been possessed by a Wendigo. They both pleaded guilty, Only defending themselves by saying the woman was on the verge of Transforming.

The Wendigo is a non-dead creature that roams the earth destroying the good-hearted and those in love. His fate is to wander the Earth feasting on human flesh.

The first Wendigo was a mortal who was betrayed by his sweatheart. In revenge for the treachery, He slew his love and are her heart. Rather than savor the warmth of revenge. His heart was in turn, Turned to be.

During daylight hours and the phases of the moon, The Wendigo looks as You and I.

Beware the Wendigo on the three days of the full moon when his strength and appetite are greatest.

Beware being attacked and injured, He duplicates himself by slashing, But not killing his prey.

If The Wendigo legend is a spiritual demonic being from Native American myths, Why is it then in the pages of Cryptozoology? 

Many sightings and reports continue to this day. The last confirmed report was in 1997 in Ontario, When a truck driver near st. Catherine's believed he saw the creature. Other sightings are said to have occurred recently. (... i was Born in 1997... O_O)

The Wendigo legend still remains today unexplained. Is it Real? It is a syndrome? Is it imaginative? Science and Cryptozoology continue to search for answers.

Sense it's birth, The Wendigo legend has become part of fictional storytelling and pop culture. It's today a comic book character, A serial killer (Hannibal Lector), And shown frequently on classic fantasy and sci-fi television shows.

In 1910, Author Alegeron Blackwood wrote the best seller "The Wendigo," Introducing the legend to horror fiction. Many often refer to the myth from this classic book.

So Remember, When you go out into the wilderness, Watch yourself. It may come for You. For The Wendigo is never without Hunger. ;)

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