A\N - Fun Quizzes! & "Bullshirt"?

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Before i start this A\N, I thought i would say. also last week, When mum and i where driving home from the Mall. We saw a store, no joke. literally called, "Bullshirt". just thought, i would say that. lmfao. xD

I don't know why, But i LOVE taking Quizzes. Like the ones that are on facebook, or something. I'm always fascinated on what i get, you know. So a week ago, I decided to take some fun Quizzes. Nt on facebook, because i hardly go on there. But just randomly online, Lol.

So one Quiz was, What accent i have. It had me pronounce, Many words. And for my Results, I got; Western and French. Which to be honest, pretty accurate. I am very Western, I ride horses for a living etc. although, I don't know about the French part, but maybe. Maybe it's because i say Dog, Accent and some other words. I say Dog as Doge, or Dog like you're saying Dough but in the dog verb. therefore Dog. I say Accent like, your aunt but instead you say accent with aunt. like auccent, or something like that. I have many accents mixed together, lets just say that. xD

Another quiz was, What's your fantasy animal pet is, or something like that. And i got a Dragon, my pet would be a Dragon..... Hell Yaasssss! xD what? Dragons are awesome, okay. 

Then another one was, Where i was from. And apparently I'm from Canada New England. Which is quite funny, considering i was born here in the USA and my culture comes mainly from Argentina and Russia. But hey thanks to my Uncles, I'm part Canadian. If that counts. So close Enough. *Slow Claps* xD

Fun Fact: I have Both a Jewish and a Roman Nose. So when you look straight at me, You can see more of a Jewish nose. and when you look at me from the side, You can see more of a Roman Nose. ^-^ Look it up if you have to <3

Another quiz was, "What was your past Ancient death?" or something like that. And it said that my past death was, I was a Queen living in my own castle with maids. And one of my maids got very tired of working for me, and got very jealous and wanted to be me. So She put poison in my drink, and waited for the Deadly Grave Results...... Well Fudge..... Well Fudge indeed, Mate. xD

Another one was, "are you a sinner or a saint?". and i got an Angel Warrior. Where I have big wings, Armor and a Gigantic Sword of steel. And i help God fight against Satan, and his demons. It also put, "You are one BadA** Angel Warrior!". Yass! xD

Fun Fact: God is so strong, That he only needs one strong Angel to fight against millions of Satan's Demons. and he WILL win, no matter what without fail. All the time. ^-^ True Story. The Bible never lies. <3

And another one was, "What famous person are you a lot alike?". and i got, George Clooney. Interesting. ^-^

There was way more little quizzes, but that's all i'm gonna tell for now. Unless y'all like me telling you what i get from these quizzes?


If y'all want me to post more of these in my A\N's, then tell me in the comments below!

Thanks for all of the support, it really means a lot. ^-^

Love you all, to infinity and beyond! <3 :3

~ Leo

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