I Want You To Meet My Parents

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*Nick's POV*

After a while, we left the bedroom and went to Kevin and Dani.

Dani smiled at us,"Did you guys make up?".

I held up our intertwined hands,"Yes.".

Kevin looked at me,"Nick, your hair......it's a mess!" Then he messed around with my hair.

"Don't mess with the curls." I told him through gritted teeth.

He slowly put his hand down and nodded.

Dani and Miley chuckled.

"Miley, dance with me?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded,"But I must warn you, I step on toes." She chuckled.

I smiled,"That's fine.".

I led her out to the dance floor and we were both awkwardly dancing until it turned to a slow song and I pulled her close.

She lied her head on my chest and we swayed one side to the other.

After a few songs, we went to a table and sat.

We talked for a few minutes.

"Hey, Miles?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"I want you to meet my parents." I said straight forward.

She chocked on her drink,"You what?".

"I want you to meet my parents. Look, I've met your dad. And now you need to meet my mom and dad." I took her hand.

She shook her head,"I'm sorry, Nick, but I can't."

"Aw, come on, why not?" I asked.

"They won't like me." She said.

I chuckled,"Of course they will. I love you, Miley. They will,too." I told her.

She sighed,"When?".

I smiled,"Well, I was actually going to see them tomorrow. Since there's no show." I explained.

"I'll think about it." She said.

"I really want you to meet them." I told her.

She smiled,"Are you sure they'll like me?".

"Positive. Maybe even Frankie will." I said and she chuckled.

"Fine. I'll go.".

I did a fist bump into the air,"Yay!".

She laughed.

*Miley's POV*

Going to meet his parents? How bad can that be?

We were leaving the party late that night.

I had promised to keep in touch with Daphne and Bay and Emmett.

We got on the bus and Kevin and Dani went straight to their room, not bothering to even talk.

Joe sighed and sat on the couch next to Stella and began texting someone.

When Stella asked who it was, he said it was no one and continued texting.

I looked at Nick and he shrugged before we went to the bunks.

Before heading to mine, I changed into my pajamas then went.

"Nick?" I said.

"Yeah?" He asked, opening his curtain.

"Can I stay in your bunk, with you?".

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