The Agreement

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It was hot.

Of course, that was typical. Arizona's dry heat was nothing new to Venus. Somehow, though, today was especially hot, the sun brutal, and so she'd found herself shielding her pale skin with layers of clothing, a sun hat atop her dark head of hair. She rested in the shade as her father spoke, addressing the people who'd turned up at this year's Pax Treaty ceremony. He was a man to be reckoned with; he'd fallen into favour of Supreme Leader, Amos Troy at a very young age, and had the world at his fingertips. Currently, he was in charge of the whole continent- no small feat, but somehow he'd managed it just fine. Venus was grateful that she'd been born to a man like Vidal Calinao.

She only wished he loved her.

He was exceptional at many things: he knew how to speak well, he was great at conveying ideas, and was an amazing innovator who the people loved. His only fault was that he was a horrible father.

Venus knew why, of course. But that didn't make it fair.

"... and so, on this glorious anniversary of the Pax Treaty, we celebrate our Supreme Leader, Amos Troy, and the hard work and dedication that was needed to make the world a peaceful place. Remember that eradication of Anomalies is the only way to salvation. Without this policy, we all would be lost." Her father paused, and smiled kindly out at the crowd, his brown eyes twinkling. "Please enjoy the festivities, and sleep early. We all know what day it is tomorrow."

His words garnered a laugh from the crowd. Venus laughed along with them, but she wasn't amused. The fact was, her father was preaching one thing while disregarding it completely. He locked eyes with Venus, his brown eyes now cold. He knew. He'd known since she was young.

She was one of them. An Anomaly. A well hidden one, but an Anomaly nonetheless.

The crowd stood up and applauded. Venus followed suit, proud of her father and quite resentful of him at the same time. As Vidal stepped down from the podium and into the arms of the delegates present, Venus made to leave, her bodyguard putting a hand on her upper back to escort her back to her car.

"You're leaving so soon, Venus?"

Venus turned her head, adjusting her sunglasses to see the person in front of her better, even though she really didn't need to, because she'd recognize his face anywhere. He was one of the last of his kind- a real, breathing Oriental, with slanted eyes and yellow skin. There were nearly no Orientals in the Western Hemisphere. Venus knew that her great-grandfather had been one of them, but he'd been dead for ages. So many of them had turned out to be Anomalies, but Marty's family, the Jins, seemed pure enough, and they were spared... not to mention that they were well-connected and almost richer than Venus's own family. Both of his parents and Venus's father had been trying to push them together for some time now, and while they had always been courteous with each other, Venus and Marty were never anything but friends, although Venus suspected Marty's feelings for her extended beyond friendship.

"Marty," she greeted politely. "Happy Treaty Day."

"Happy Treaty Day." He said back.

They stared at each other, awkwardly silent. Marty smiled nervously at her, and Venus tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear, not sure of what to say or do.

In the end, it was Marty who spoke again. "Would you mind enjoying the festivities with me?" He asked, and leaned in close to whisper something in her ear. "My parents really want us to spend some time together today, so..."

Venus glanced at the stage, where her father and the delegates were talking. He wasn't even looking at her, but someone else there was.

He was perhaps twenty, with very light, papery-looking skin and white hair streaked through with brown in places. (This confused Venus- why was his hair so light if he was so young? Was it a fashion statement?) He had deep tear troughs, and was quite tall, his figure hardly muscular- rather, he was lanky, and he appeared disinterested in the proceedings.

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