The Traitor

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When lunch was over and the delegates returned to their hotel, Venus sat in the garden, staring at the koi. She was perched on one of the grey rocks lining the border of the pond, swirling her finger around in the water beneath her.

She heard footsteps on the grass behind her, and she stood and brushed herself off. She met her father's dark eyes, which were frigid. He didn't look like the type of man she knew him to be: in fact, his personality was in such direct contrast to his appearance that just looking at him made her expect him to be kind. He was olive-skinned, with dark eyebrows that tilted downwards at the ends, making him appear sympathetic. His features were all very soft, and he had a rounded jaw, as well as a nose with flared, round nostrils.

Venus was once again reminded of why he hated her, and she flinched even though no words had been exchanged. It didn't matter that she looked exactly like the woman he'd loved, because her role in that very woman's death made him despise her. She tried to wipe her face of the betrayal she felt, but her lower lip trembled.

"Our Leader has been favouring other Governors since that time," Venus whispered. "And since then, you've been waiting for this opportunity. You were waiting to get rid of me."

He stared cruelly at her. "Well, at least you aren't stupid."

Her eyes clouded over with tears. "I've done everything to win you back, father. I've gotten top grades in school, I would have married Marty without a second thought if you'd asked, and I've always toed the line- but this? How could you? How could you want to get rid of your own daughter?"

In a flash, her father was grasping her face by the chin, holding her in her position so she wouldn't move or speak.

"I didn't even want you," he hissed. "I wanted a son, someone to inherit my position. But instead, I got you. And you turned out to be one of those freaks-" He spat the word like it was a disease he was afraid he'd catch. "-when Lynne took your place. I've been waiting for this day for ten miserable years. I want you gone. You're finishing your studies abroad, and I will never have to see you again."

Venus was horrified, but that was quickly replaced by anger and rage. She closed her eyes and let her tears fall...

... and when she opened them, they were swirling with her terrible, Anomalous power. She read his mind then, felt his own anger morph into shock and fear, and she reveled in it.

"I was blinded by you, father," she murmured. "Do you know how much I ached for your love?"

Her father was frozen to the spot.

"I'll make you feel it. All of it. All of my pain."

She channeled her feelings into him- all of the neglect she'd felt and the feelings of unbearable loneliness. His face softened, and she thought about stopping, but a horrid voice in her head egged her on.

Do it, do it, do it... it's only fair...

She channeled pain, and this time his face contorted. He collapsed onto the ground in front of her, writhing at her feet. For a moment, she was delighted at the sight.

Then she realized that a part of her, however overshadowed it clearly was at the moment, still longed for his acceptance, for kind words and gestures of affection, for the things she had been denied ever since her mother's death.

There's no way he'll ever accept you after what you've done to him, the voice told her. Much as she was loathe to admit it to herself, she knew the voice was right. He wouldn't turn her in, because he was trying oh-so-desperately to save face, but he would send her away forever and be glad of it, too. Venus didn't want that at all. She'd almost prefer the alternative, for him to turn her in just so that she could take him down with her.

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