The Parting Gift: Part Two

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City hall was bustling with people. The sky was a cloudless blue, and the sun was far past its midday point; the air was therefore cooler and much more agreeable. For this year's Collection Day ceremony, the decorations were garish and multicoloured. They put Venus in an even worse mood than before.

All of the delegates from the previous day had turned up. Even Jace was there, in a blue button-up shirt and tan slacks, wearing a pair of Aviator sunglasses. They were inside city hall, separated from the people gathering outside of it, but Venus still felt claustrophobic.

"When is your father coming?" A delegate asked. He was old, much like the rest of his fellows. "Is he feeling alright?"

"He should be here soon," Venus told him. "Any minute now, really."

They were seated just in front of the windows looking out. Venus kept fixing her eyes on the road, willing her father to appear.

"It's good you found him so soon after the incident," another delegate said. "Victims of warping need medical attention straight away, usually."

Venus smiled graciously at him. "Yes, well, my father is one of my top priorities in life, second only to being a perfect citizen for our Supreme Leader."

The delegates nodded in agreement; one even praised her. To her left, Jace snorted. Venus refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing that he had annoyed her, so she didn't glare at him like she wanted to.

She took a glance outside. Camera crews were pulling up now, to record the ceremony for playback at a later date. Her father still hadn't shown up yet. Venus's organs felt like they were knotting inside her. When will he be here?

She took a look at Jace out of the corner of her eye. He was fiddling with his shiny mobile, whistling softly as he did so. He adjusted his sunglasses, pushing them up his long nose, and then, quite suddenly, looked directly at her.

"Are you sure he's coming? He looked very unwell the last time I saw him."

Venus's heart leaped a bit in her chest. She hadn't been expecting him to address her. "He didn't look that bad."

"Well, I went to see him this morning. He was paler than pale."

"Why did you go see him?" She grabbed a fistful of her sundress in both hands.

"Oh, you know. I had to tell him that the engagement is off."

The delegates around them paused. Venus wished she had fistfuls of his hair instead.

"So soon?" A delegate asked. Venus was almost positive he was the delegate from Eastern Europe.

Jace frowned and looked away a bit, like he was hurting just by talking about the situation. "Unfortunately, Venus is involved with another man. Marty Jin, I believe?"

Venus flinched. "You told my father that in his current state?" Her inflections were all off; she was sure she'd lose it any second now.

"What was I supposed to say?" Jace asked, tilting his head so she could see his violet eyes.

The truth, Venus wanted to say, but she held her tongue. "My apologies, gentlemen. Jace is very sensitive, and because of my friendship with my former betrothed, he thinks that's why I don't want to marry him. Honestly, I just can't stand him. That's why."

One delegate cleared his throat uneasily. A pregnant pause followed.

"Anyway, that's how it is." Venus sniffed.

For a while, no one said anything. The air was heavy somehow. Venus bowed her head, waiting for the awkward silence to be filled.

"Oh, look," Jace said, standing from his seat. "It's Governor Calinao's personal transport!"

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