Chapter 1

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"Hey guys what's up", my best friend Jami squealed as she came to my and Nicks locker(cause ours are right next to each other).

"Hi", Nick and I said in unicents.

Hi I'm Shelly. I am 15 years old, I'm in 9th grade, and I have two of the most greatest friends in the world! Jami and Nick.

Jami has long brown hair, greenish brown eyes and is pretty. Nick has dirty blond hair and brown eyes and all the girls in school want to go out with him. Except Jami and I.

"So you'll never guess what happened to me this morning", Jami started to explain. "I went to go take a shower and all the hot water was gone. So I had to take a cold shower! Then I went to brush my teeth and the dog used my toothbrush as a crew toy, and to top it all off my juice was all gone!".

After she was done we walked into class, sat down in our seats and the teacher started well teaching. After the teacher was done she handed out a paper and when I read it i felt stupid cause i didn't know anything that was on the paper. Every couple minutes i would look at the clock hopping class was over but every time it was only a second later. Finally i got the problem and was on a role when...

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