Las Vegas, NV

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Thanks to @PTX_is_AVIously_cool and @AwesomeDawson2 for sending in covers! If anyone else would like to send me any that would be cool, perhaps I can do like a rota thing?

Sleeping on a tour bus for the first time in a while was hard. It was cramped, one the occasion that someone was actually driving the bus it was rocky, it wasn't the beds they were used to. Kirstie always found the first night on the bus the worst, she had never achieved a restful sleep the first time she tried. Yet this time around, to make matters worse, she was beginning to feel ill. They were only two shows in but already she was beginning to cough and sound hoarse, she felt pathetic, useless. It was always her who got sick.

Groaning, Kirstie threw back the covers of her bed and manoeuvred herself out of the bunk as quietly as she could. Years of experience from being in the road had informed her that a middle bunk was the best one to possess (it was the perfect height off the ground for her, not too cold like the top bunk, not as rocky as the bottom) which made her climb down to the floor much less risky, she didn't have to jump down for starters.

Taking a moment to think of a plan of action, she stood there in the middle of aisle, groggy and wrapped in the blanket she had taken from home. She could go into the front lounge, no one was driving the bus at that moment so she wouldn't be bothering anyone by hanging out there. But there was something so cozy about the back lounge that made Kirstie decide to walk that way; she was ill, she needed comforting.

Scott had somehow managed to leave half his wardrobe on the floor even though they had only been on the bus one night and the dim lighting on the bus caused her to trip over the odd pair of pants as she walked towards the back. Making it in one piece, Kirstie pulled open the sliding door and was taken aback with what she saw.

A tired and dejected looking Avi was curled into a ball on the couch that lined on of the walls and Kirstie knew just by his position that something was up. The noise of Kirstie entering the room made him shoot up and his eyes snapped to her like he was ready to attack whoever had walked in but his features softened when he saw it was her. She noticed his eyes straight away, puffy and watery, figuring out in an instant he had been crying. The redness of his nose and the pool of tissues that was next to him on the couch confirmed her theory. Following the direction of her stare to the pile of tissues next to her, Avi felt guilty.

"Did I wake you?" He stuttered out, his voice weaker than he was expecting.

"No, no... I'm not feeling too well." She replied with an equal amount of weakness to her voice except her's was due to shock. He had done very well to disguise what he had been doing, she's been awake the entire time and listening to every noise the bus made and still she had heard nothing.

Avi took a moment to digest what she had said, composing himself in order to speak more clearly. He stood up hesitantly almost as if it was his first time ever and stumbled slightly over to a container filled with water bottles they couldn't yet fit in the fridge.

"Here, get some water." He mumbled as he stretched out his arm to give her it, not wishing to meet her eyes as he knew she'd only see that as an invitation to pry out of him why he was crying.

"Thanks." She took it from him with a sad smile. He always was good at looking after her.

Sitting back down, he tapped his fingers on the back of the couch and let out a long breath. Gulping, Avi decided to continue the conversation knowing all too well that he was overstepping some undisclosed line between them. "What's wrong? Is it your throat."

Kirstie was shocked that he was wanting to continue whatever they were doing, he wasn't drunk, he wasn't high on adrenaline, if anything he was feeling a lot more vulnerable than usual. "Yeah - it's all dry and scratchy."

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