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3 days later

I knocked on Chris' door. No reply. I heard rustles of movement and the door flung open to Chris and a blond chick. Her hand was protectively on his shoulder. "Oh. Flor." My heart dropped. "Okay, now it's easy. Thanks for loving me, or faking it. I never loved you anyway." I growled bitterly. The ring I had been given was thrown in his face. I ran, and I didn't stop until I got to my car a block away.

After sobbing for a while in my car, all my tears and frustration overwhelming me, I was interrupted by the chime of Sugar We're Going Down. 'Hey Flor' From Pete. 'Make Patrick stop talking about you and come on over!' It read. I laughed through the tears and drove to their apartment.

I knocked our special knock. The door flew open. "HEY!" Pete yelled. "It's about damn time Patrick and you were together!" I blushed. "The minute that little pudgy teenage boy introduced us I knew it would happen one day," I laughed and Patrick ran to us. I took in his comforting scent. He kissed me passionately. "EWWW!" Pete screamed and we broke apart. "Don't be jealous Petey," I teased. He snorted. "As if," I tossed my hair back. Patrick hugged me from behind. The growing feeling in my heart sent waves of.. A feeling. I didn't know what. It wasn't love, something more powerful and hypnotizing. If something is stronger than love. "We're making tacos," Trick whispered. "Those were the 3 words I wanted to hear," I grinned. "Andy and Joe are on their way," called Pete from the hallway. "The whole gang?" Patrick nodded. "So, do they know about-" "Flotrick?" He cut off. "That's our name?!" I asked. "Would you rather it be Fatrick?" He laughed. "Hell no!" I groaned. A knock on the door echoed through the den. Joe walked in with Andy trailing behind. "HEYO!" Joe called out. "Joe!!" I yelled, pulling him into a hug. "Wow, did you have a drink yet?" I laughed, shaking my head. Andy waved and went to talk to Pete. Joe stared at Patrick curiously. My hand was tight on Patrick's forearm. "Is there something I'm missing or..?" Joe piped in. I blushed once again. "Apparently we're called Florick," I giggled. "Wait?! It's finally happening?" Trick smiled and nodded. "ANDY IT'S REAL!!! FLORICK!" He yelled circling the room. Pat gave me a kiss on the forehead and we walked to the kitchen. "This calls for a celebration!" Andy shouts. Joe brings champagne. They pour it in tall glasses, the bubbles floating up. I raised it to my lips, and Patrick kissed my cheek and we drank. A lot. 4 drinks made me a bit off, and made Patrick a bit crazy, but still sober. His fingertips touched my back and he glided to my shoulders to turn me around. "You look sexy," he blurted. I felt my face grow warm. "Thanks," I giggled. I was wearing a purple off the shoulder sweater and white skinny jeans, nothing special. He kissed me hard, and I responded to it. He kissed my neck gently at first, then not so gently. I pulled him away. I sensed his disappointment. "The guys are here," I whispered. "Not now, okay?!" "But I love you," he sighed. I stared at him. "I know, but you're not being proper." He giggled like a little kid. I smiled playfully. "I can't believe you don't mind being the only girl," Joe piped in. "Well you guys are like my brothers, so I don't feel pressured to be anything but me, and a bit crazy most of the time," They all agreed. Joe looked at all of us. "Wanna play truth or dare?" I laughed. "What is this, 7th grade?" I asked. "I miss those days," sighed Joe. I shook my head. I sighed. "Why not?" Andy said. "Never mind, let's play." "Okay. I'll go first. Pete," Andy said, "I dare you to... drink the toilet water from the old bathroom in the basement!" "EW!" Yelped Pete. "But I can't turn down down a dare, right?" His eyes scanned us. He got up and got a paper cup and ran downstairs. A moment passed before we heard a scream, that was very high for Pete. We all burst out laughing. I scooted myself onto Patrick lap. Pete came up. "I freaking hate you all!" We kept laughing. "Alright, my turn," said Pete. "Florence, I dare you to go in a closet with Patrick for 10 minutes. In the dark." He said mysteriously. I got up with Patrick. "Challenge accepted," winked Trick to Pete. We found a pretty much empty closet and squished in. The light was off. A second passed then Patrick leaned in and grabbed my face gently. He kissed me hard and fast. His hands trailed down to my hips. He pulled me closer for every part of our body was touching. "You're beautiful," he whispered, sending chills through out my body. My hands wrapped around his neck and I removed his hat that he always wore, placing it on my head. I kissed him, running my fingers through his chopped hair. His hands snuck up my sweater on my back. Our lips disconnected and his beautiful eyes showed only disbelief, and love. "You have no idea how many years I've been waiting for you, throughout your 3 douche bag boyfriends and 1 short lived fiancé." I smiled. "Sometimes waiting for things like this is worthwhile." He looked at his feet and then at me. He stared at my revealed inner forearms were my tattoo now was. "Flor? Are those scars?" He asked worriedly, his forehead crinkling, touching my scarred arm, turning on the light. "I did this ages ago, remember?" I swallowed. He sighed. "We saved each other." Tears flooded my eyes and I hugged him harder than ever, grabbing his hair. He balanced out and placed his head in the crook of my neck. "Forever you'll be mine." He promised.

And that's how I wanted it.

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