Changes In Latitude, Changes In Attitude

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Riley's POV

I scramble behind Alex as he drags me off their bus.

"Come on slow poke! We're going to Universal!" he shouts as we take off down the streets of Orlando.

As we approach the front gates, I see all of Paramore, Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, and Twenty One Pilots standing there waiting.

"Finally! Let's go!" Joe says as he takes my hand and begins dragging me into the park.

"What about everyone else?" I ask, remembering we left Jack and them on the bus.

"What are you talking about? We're all here! Now let's GOOOO!" Joe shouts.

"Jack, Rian, and Zack left after us," I say as I spin around on my heels.

"Ahh!" I scream when I see someone else's face in front of mine. I fall to the ground with tears threatening to spill.

"Donthurtmedonthurtmedonthurtme...." I mutter under my breath over and over again.

"Riley!" I hear Patrick shout as he drops to the ground next to me.

The last thing I here is someone whispering in my ear, "I'm so, so sorry." before everything just goes black.

Patrick's POV

"What did you do Jack!" I scream as I hold Riley on my arms.

I want my sister back. She would usually just laugh it off if Jack scared her, not pass out.

"I don't know! I only wanted to scare her a bit but then she like, freaked out!" I here his voice starting to crack.

I quickly stand up and try picking her up. "Woah, hold on man. Let me carry her," Andy says as he takes my sister out of my arms.

I turn to cry in Joe's shoulder. "What happened to my sister, Joe?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out for you Pattycakes," he says as he smooths down my hair.

Two Hours Later

Riley's POV

I wake up seeing that I'm now what looks to be the Fall Out Boy bus, with I think Remembering Sunday playing in the distance.

The sound of people talking starts getting closer. It sounds like Patrick and... Jack? Maybe. I'm not sure.

I know it's wrong, but I start to listen in to the conversation.

"Look, I know you like her, but someone obviously hurt her, and I don't want her getting even more hurt."

"I know man, just give me a shot! Please. I've liked her since we first met and you know I would never hurt her." Defiantly Jack and Patrick talking.

Are they talking about me? If not, who are they talking about? Jack obviously likes someone. But who? Probably not me. He hasn't seen me for like.... Two years. Why would he like someone who cut him off for that long?

I have to admit though, I'm jealous.

I open my eyes and pretend I just woke up when I hear someone come through the door.

"Riley! You're up!"

I was tackled by Jack and Patrick. Groaning about how heavy they are, I shove them off and get up.

"How long was I out?" I question them.

"Not long. Maybe an hour and a half?" Jack answers. Even though he somewhat questions himself, I take the answer I get and don't question it.

I'm Not Yours (Fall Out Boy // All Time Low)Where stories live. Discover now