Chapter 22

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December 31, 1944

They had been running from the war for years, heading slowly for safety when they became trapped in Poland. Adam had managed to keep from being found so far but as he looked around the near empty bar he could still hear gunfire around them. The door opened behind him and he felt Jaylyn nudge him a moment later.

"Hey its her." She whispered.

He glanced over his shoulder to find a dark haired woman looking around, searching. "How did she find us?"

"We only went one town over." Jaylyn reminded him, noticing his grip tighten on his knife. "Adam, you can't... she has your child."

"So?" He questioned. "What if I don't want a family?"

There was silence for a moment before she answered. "And you complain when I lie."

"I can't have a family now, not with a war, it's too dangerous." He growled. "Not now not ever. As an immortal I shouldn't have one, they'll only die."

"Really? Even if you loved them you would ignore it?" She was staring at him, her emerald gaze burning into the side of his head until he finally turned to face her.

"I didn't say that." He took another drink; relieved the woman still hadn't recognized them. "I said I wouldn't have a family."

"You kill the people you love?"

Adam let go of the knife and rose to his feet, pulling Jaylyn up with him. "Not all of them, now let's go before she sees us."

She followed him to the second floor to their room and Adam glanced one last time over his shoulder to look down at the lady, who had finally taken a seat at an empty table. He looked away just as quickly as he'd turned around before opening the door to their room and going inside, by tomorrow morning they'd be gone again, the woman down there no longer mattered... though perhaps he would sneak out and kill her before Jaylyn woke up.

"Adam, don't even think about it." Jaylyn seemed to read something in his eyes as she guided him farther into the room. "If I ever hear a rumor that she was injured... I will hand you over to the Nazis, you've heard what they do to people, imagine what they'll do to someone like you."

"You wouldn't dare." Adam stated, his features calm, though a bit of venom was put into his voice.

"Do you want to test that?"

He examined her a bit before stepping closer until they were only centimeters apart. "Go ahead."

She scowled at him lightly before turning away from him and going to the bed, slipping under the covers and facing the wall with her back to him. When she spoke again her voice sounded tired. "Not yet, I'm too tired to try being evil."

"You must always be tired then." He replied, still debating on whether to join her or try killing the woman, eventually the first choice won out. Not that he went to sleep despite the lulling sound of Jaylyn's breathing beside him. In fact a few minutes later he shook her awake.

She waved his hand off, or tried to anyway as she missed terribly. "What...?"

"Why do you want to save her?" He asked, watching her carefully. "She is nothing to you."

"She's an innocent person." Jaylyn was more awake now and had rolled over to face him. "And has your child in her."

"I could have another." Adam replied as he looked over her. "With someone who won't die on me."

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