Chapter 33

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September 18, 2014

The day was quiet and sunny, no one in sight since her neighbors were at work and school, as Jaylyn got out of her car and slammed the door shut before locking it. After dropping her stuff off in the house, meaning she just dropped it on the floor, turned around, and walked right back outside, she went to the barn to feed Aurora and make sure the horse had enough water. Upon entering the barn however, a shadow detached itself from the wall and Jaylyn made a sound of surprise as a blade went to her throat before coming to her senses and elbowing her attacker hard.

They fell back immediately. "And here I thought you'd be rustier than that."

Jaylyn spun around to face the dark haired man. "Adam!"

"Didn't expect me, did you?" He put away the weapon.

"It isn't the weekend yet." She reminded him. "And you usually use the door, not wait for me here. How long were you waiting in here anyway?"

"Only about five minutes." He walked towards the house. "But I didn't come here to answer questions."

She followed a bit slowly. "Is it another assignment?"

"Of a sorts." He allowed her to go inside first before making himself at home. "I have a proposal for you. You know I've mentioned you moving to New York to work with me... Well you can't stay here forever, people will talk if they haven't already, now could be a good time."

"Is there someone I need to kill there?" She asked dryly.

"Not yet." Adam responded smoothly as he watched her settle down on the other side of the couch. "Though that isn't to say there won't be anyone eventually."

Jaylyn stared at him for a few moments before let out a long breath. "I guess it won't be that different than it is now, you won't have to travel so far to update me in person... Though you could just keep calling."

"Now why would I just call? The point of starting these visits was to stick close together. You still don't hold a grudge against me do you?"

"Do you?" She challenged. "You still seem a bit bitter at times."

Adam ignored her comment. "I already have the tickets and a job waiting, as you know, all you have to do is pick out a place to live."

"Could take awhile... maybe I'll just move to another town around here... I'd be able to take my car easily." She leaned back against the armrest, her emerald gaze held some humor as she looked at him.

He glanced down at her shoes, which were only a few inches from his knee, before flickering his gaze back to her face. "Sell it and get a new one."

"I guess that would work, it is just a car." She mused before a smirk flickered across her face. "Maybe I'll get a motorcycle... those are nice... don't you think?"

"No." Adam frowned slightly. "They are not nice, there isn't any protection if you get hit by something."

"Touchy subject." She grinned, knowing he was getting bugged. "But you're right, motorcycles aren't the best. I'm thinking sports car maybe?"

"Better." Adam agreed, relaxing slightly before standing. "Now as I mentioned, I already got your tickets. You leave tomorrow around ten at night. I'll be at the airport to get you."

"Who says I'm accepting your offer?"

"I am." He leaned close to her, his dark gaze taking in her features. "I will tie you up and dragged you there if I must."

"Nice." Amusement was in her gaze and she held her wrists up. "Go ahead, I'd love to see you drag me all the way to New York."

Adam glared at her. "Not literally."

Jaylyn stood up, causing him to back up and give her space. "Then you can't make me do anything."

"Oh but I think I can." He put a hand on her back and moved her towards a window to look out at her neighbor's house. "Your last remaining family lives there. I could kill them if you don't listen."

"You wouldn't." She gave him a cold gaze. "Don't you dare bring them into this Adam!"

"Don't give me reason to." He responded simply, his hand dropping from her back. "I don't want to kill them, they haven't done anything wrong and the kids have their whole lives ahead of them, but what am I to do if you stop listening to me?"

"I'll go to New York." She conceded. "Just leave them alone."

Adam clapped her on the shoulder before turning away. "It isn't as bad as you make it out to be."

"I hate you." She hissed.

He glanced back at her. "Then show me just how much. I love a good fight, I haven't been in one in a long while."

"I'm moving anyway, I won't need all of this." Jaylyn commented, slowly walking past him before whirling around to strike at him.

Adam easily sidestepped and grabbed the collar of her shirt before half shoving and half throwing her onto the couch. She managed to hook his leg out from behind him as she fell and he twisted to the side to maintain upright, pulling out a knife as he did so. Jaylyn rolled to the side and back onto her feet before reaching into a desk drawer and pulling out a gun. The knife was flung toward her face as she fired and the bullet landed in the opposite wall as she flinched, a second later the gun had been ripped from her hand and an arm was around her throat.

"Okay you win!" She struggled to pull his arm away.

Adam's grip tightened and for a moment she thought he was going to kill her, but then a hummed sigh vibrated in his chest and he released her. She coughed once before sinking to the ground as she caught her breath.

"I didn't kill anyone yet, though considering you'd just come back I'm not sure it would count against me if I had finished you." He spoke while pulling her back up onto her feet. "It's a pity this is the longest you last in a fight now. I should've had you training while I was here... good thing we still have until midnight for you to show me you can hold your own."

"I already agreed to go, I have to pack." She pointed out.

Adam was silent for a moment before nodding. "Fine, then get to it."

Jaylyn watched him leave before glancing back at her distant relative's house, she had to protect them, even if it meant murdering until the streets ran red with blood. She wouldn't like it but she would do it. Adam did have a point too, they would notice she didn't age if she didn't leave soon; she was already pressing her luck as it was. New York would be a new life for her. As she packed it felt as though she was on a precipice about to jump, an entire new life was starting and she would adapt to the change once more.

This was the last chapter, this story and series was so fun to write so I hope you enjoyed it too readers! :D

Also if you haven't already, you can check out An Eternity of Lies, which is the first book after this one.

Or you could check out my one-shot book for Forever called An Eternity of Undying Immortality where you can read or recommend a one-shot.

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