Logan tells Marie

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(Doing a bit of a time jump cause Emma started kindergarten late, so I skipped over the summer, so the story can keep going a little bit, so we are towards the end of August in this chapter. I did not want to drag it on forever with this story)

Logan decided not to wait for morning to tell Marie the news that came by messenger that night cause she needed to know right the minute what had happened to her mom while she was overseas fighting the good fight with the bad guys and making sure everything is okay before she comes home to her girls who she loves with all her heart, and who she probably missed and wished that she was there to make it all better for them and the baby was probably going to be getting teeth soon, and she wanted to be home to help her

"Marie sweetie wake up there is something that I need to tell you it's about your mom, and it can not wait until morning" he says as he wakes her up from her slumber that night since she was bunking in Emma's room cause she was in the process of getting her own room that Logan was renovating for her to have and that was easier on her with her wheelchair

Marie slowly wakes up from her sleep cause this was important and she wanted to hear what happened to her mom while she was fighting the good fight cause she might be gone and Marie doesn't even know it at all which scares her to pieces 

"Yes Logan" she says as she rubs her eyes as she wakes up from her slumber early cause she was sound asleep and being woke up for something important 

"The messenger just brought me something that I know that can't wait until morning, and I must tell you now cause I hate to have this go by untold to you" he says as he sits on her bed next to her as he checks to make sure Emma won't wake up at the news at what happened to her mom

"What is it?' she asks him as she reaches for her glasses as Logan checks on Emma

"Well it is hard to say right now" he says as he fights back the tears that were forming in his eyes cause he read the letter that was sent to the house telling Marie what had happened to her mom overseas fighting the good fight with the bad guys cause he didn't think he will need to tell her this ever, but it had came to that

"Is she gone?" Marie asks him as she puts on her glasses

"Not right now she is fighting for her life right now I am going to ask Uncle Carlos and Aunt Alexa to keep your mom in their prayers, and hopefully she gets better, and comes home to you" Logan says as he can't believe that Marie's mom got injured overseas while fighting

Marie starts to cry cause there was a chance that her mom won't make it, and her and her baby sister will be orphans, and she did not want to be an orphan

"Marie it's going to be okay" Logan says as he holds her close and soothes her gently so Emma doesn't hear what is going

Marie wasn't settling down anytime soon, so Logan carried her out to the rocking chair that was in the room that he keeps for the babies just in case he wanted to rock them as he fed them their bottle

"Marie it's going to be okay we got to have faith that your mom is going to pull through and will be able to come home. Once she comes home I am going to keep you and your baby sister for a little bit and when your mom is back to her normal self you guys will go back to her" he says as he holds her close cause she was really scared out of her mind that there was a possibility that her mom might not make it and she will be an orphan

"Can I stay home from school tomorrow?" Marie asks him as she lays on Logan's chest cause he was really comfortable

"Sorry sweetie tomorrow is the very first day of first grade for you and I don't think you want to miss tomorrow cause you get to meet your teacher and see who is all in your class" he says to her as he holds her close

"Mommy won't be there" Marie says as she starts to cry

Logan forgot that on the way down to her new room that she is going to pass her mom's room on the way down and see who is going to be subbing for her while she is away

"We can stop in the room and you can put something in the room to let the class know that your mommy will be back soon to teach" he says as he continues to hold her close to get her to be happy for tomorrow

"Okay" Marie says to him as he gets up with her and puts her back to bed that night

"Marie it's going to be okay" he says as he continues to carry her to the room that she shared with Emma

"My birthday is coming up" Marie says to him as he tucks her in her bed

"It is it?" he asks her

She nods

"Then we must celebrate it then" he says as he tucks her in for the night cause tomorrow was a very big day for her

"Can we do it if mommy come home?" Marie asks him

"Sure we can if that is what you want to do, and I will try to work my magic to get her home so you and her can be together for your birthday" he says as he takes her glasses off, so she could go back to bed that night and she has a good night sleep for her first day of first grade which is a good day for her cause she gets to do a lot more then what she could when she was in kindergarten

"You will do that?" Marie asks him

"Yeah you bet your boots I will cause I know you are lost without your mommy when she isn't home" he says as he kiss her forehead and puts the light on for her, so she can sleep a little better that night

Marie was fast asleep right after he tucked her in and assured her that her mommy is going to be okay, and was going to make it through

"Now to check on the baby too" he says as he heads to the nursery to check on her and see if she was okay

Logan could hear the baby

"Hey what's the matter huh?" he asks as he comes into the room to see what was wrong with the little girl

Logan turns on the light to see what was wrong with her

"Oh princess you are cutting a tooth" he says when he sees the white thing sticking up in her mouth

Logan had plenty of teething rings on hand just in case she would cut a tooth while her mom was away and wasn't home

"Let's call mommy and tell her that you started to cut teeth little one" he says as he carries the baby to the kitchen to get her a teething ring and call to see if Ms. Marigold and tell her that little Nordonia was cutting her first tooth

Logan calls the hospital to see if Ms. Marigold could be woke up to see if he could talk to her and see what he could do for little Nordonia and get her some relief from her little tooth that she had coming in

"Yes is Virginia Marigold able to talk or no?" he asks the nurse when the nurse picks up the phone

"No she isn't is this an emergency?" the nurse asks Logan

"Yeah her baby girl is cutting her first tooth and I need to see if it is okay if I give her some relief to help her cause I am watching her daughters for her" he says to the nurse

"Sorry" the nurse says as she hangs up the phone on Logan

"Well little one daddy Logan will take good care of you" he says as he heads to the freezer for an teething ring for her, and the gel that he keeps on hand cause Lily was getting ready to cut her first tooth as well

The baby laid her head on Logan as they headed for the kitchen

"You still sleepy huh?" he asks as he rubs her back to get her to settle down on her own a bit while he gets the teething ring from the freezer

V & C

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