Logan gets Alexandria

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The baby went back to Ms. Marigold after a while. Logan was sad to see her leave but he knew she had to go back to mommy sooner or later. Ms. Marigold was able to get used to the baby and the baby was able to get used to having mommy home again

"Dad, what are you doing now?" Emma asks when she came into the room that used to be the baby's room, and Logan was transforming it into something different

"Well I am making your birthday wish come true and I am going to get you your other sister," he says as he fills the room with clothing a one-year-old can wear

Emma was shocked that he was going to be getting a fourth sister

"Yes sweetie after I drop you off at school I am going to the orphanage to get the last one to join our family, and your wish will come true baby girl," he says as he comes close to her to hug her and make it all better for her just in case she was not okay with the fourth sister

"Can she be a year to a two?" Emma asks him

"Sure if that's what you want sweetie cause she is going to be your sister," he says as he looks at her as he talks to her about her fourth sister that was going to join the family that day

"Yes dad I'm sure that's what i want," Emma says to him

"Okay I will bring home a little girl that age group for you," he says as he goes and gets the babies, so he could take Emma to school, and then he was going to head to the orphanage to get the little girl that was going to join the family

Emma gets her backpack and her lunch and heads out to the van, so she could go to school

"Would Marie and her baby sister come back to stay with us?" Emma asks as she gets in the van so she could head to school

"I don't know right now sweetie and if they do they always have a room here," he says as he gets the little ones buckled in for the ride

Emma felt better that her friend will be coming over if something happened to her mom


"Bye Emma have a good day sweetie," he says as she gets out of the van and heads into the school with her lunch

"Can you bring sissy over for show and tell I want to show her off? Cause I forgot today is my show and tell?" Emma asks him before he pulled out

"I'm not making no promises sweetie about that cause she could be a little shy and would not want to come to see you, but she will be hereafter school to get you through, so you guys can bond a little bit," he says as she heads into the building with her friends that she hangs around with

Emma was okay cause she couldn't wait to see her fourth sister and get to know her a little bit

"You two are going to Uncle Kendall's house for the day cause daddy is going to get your other sister and she might be a bit shy when she could be easily scared if she sees you two," Logan says to the younger ones that were in the backseat

The babies didn't mind as they were heading to Kendall's house with the babies in the backseat

"I'm glad you guys are okay with going to Kendall's house for a couple of hours," he says as he heads to Kendall's house to drop the babies off before he headed to the orphanage to get the little girl that was going to be the fourth daughter in the bunch and he was going to need to spend some one on one time with her

"Hey Logie I am glad to be spending some time with Bella and Lily today," Kendall says as he greets his best friend when he came over with his two girls

"Well both of them have been fed and changed and you have my number just in case," Logan says as he brings the little girls up to the porch where Kendall was waiting for them

"I have diapers, toys, and food for them here too," Kendall says as he takes the girls

Logan kissed the girls before leaving to go and get the last girl of the bunch so far

"Bye girls be good," Logan says as he was leaving

"Logie they will be just fine with me," Kendall says as he heads back into the house

Logan left to go to the orphanage to get the little girl


"Well one of your little one's is going to be my little girl," he says as he gets out of the van and heads into the orphanage to get the little girl

"Yes, can I help you?" Ms. Flint asks when she sees Logan come into the orphanage to get one of the girls

"Yes I have come to adopt," Logan says as he comes into the orphanage

"What age are you looking in to adopt?" she asks him

"A year to two years," he says to her

"Okay," she says as she leads him to a room since she only had one in that age group right now

Logan follows her and he looks at the three-year-old's who were wanting to be adopted

"The three-year-old's are cute," he says as he continues to head for the room

Two of the three-year-old's go to Logan

"Hi cutie pies," he says when he sees them

"You going to adopt us?" one of the girls asks him

"I'm going to adopt one of the younger ones right now, and maybe I might adopt the both of you," he says as he goes to the little one that he was going to take home with him

The three-year-old's were happy that they might be adopted

"Here is the little girl she is a year and a half," Ms. Flint says as she brings Logan into the room where the little girl was

"Hi sweetie," he says as he comes closer to the crib to see her a little better

Logan decided to pick her up cause she wanted to be held

"Her name is Alexandria," Ms. Flint says to him as he was holding her

"I love that name," he says as he looks at her

Alexandria lays her head on Logan's shoulder

"It's almost time for her morning nap," Ms. Flint says to him cause she started to suck her thumb

"Well I'll take her and probably the three-year-old's that are standing there in the doorway," he says as he looks at the two girls that were waiting for his answer if they were going to be adopted or not

"Perfect one of the three-year-old's have been here since she was a newborn, and the other one have been here since she was three months old," Ms. Flint says to him as she refers to the girls that were standing there in the doorway to the Allie's room

"They act like they are sisters," he says as he leaves with Allie who was starting to go to sleep on his shoulder

"They ain't sisters they are just friends who stay together," Ms. Flint says to him as they go and sign the papers for the girls

Logan was okay with that as he held Allie who was sound asleep on his shoulder cause she already loved her new daddy

"You can put Allie down in her room while we are signing the paperwork for her," Ms. Flint says to him

"I'll hold her I don't mind at all," he says as Allie sleeps peacefully on his shoulder still and wasn't moving at all cause she loved Logan as her daddy

"Suit yourself," Ms. Flint says to him as they go to her office to do the paperwork on the girls

Logan signed the papers for the girls and was ready to go with the girls cause he wanted to show Emma her new sisters that were joining the family for good, and he knew Emma was going to be shocked to see three sisters

V & C

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