1.New School -Edited-

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Hey there, I'm Holly, I've always wanted to be an actor, I'm 18 turning 19, and i'm on my way to my NEW school, how exciting! I'm wearing my purple jeans, my 'school sucks' top and black converse. As I go to the desk I could see people staring at me, I said to the woman at the desk.

"Um excuse me, I'm new here, could you give me a time table or something please?" The woman nodded and asked for my name, I told her, as I walked round looking for West Block, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I turned round to see a handsome man.

"Are you lost?" He asked

"Um yeah, do you know where the west block is?"

"Ah yes that's where my class is, let me look at your timetable." I handed it to him, he looked at it as we walked and laughed

"You've got me every day!" We arrived at the west block.

"Thanks sir"

"No problem, see you first period" I nodded and found my locker, funny enough it was right next to his door. I opened it with the key and put every thing I needed to in there and closed it, then the bell rang, I walked in and sat at the front, he stared at me, then looked away as every one walked in...

Once everyone was sat down Sir said

"Hello class, as you may know or see, we have a new student, her name is Holly Smith. So today class we are going to be looking at Romeo and Juliet, but since there's only 29 of you, 1 of you will be watching and doing writing, join up with someone, and whoever is left can watch and all" Sir said. everyone grabbed someone but me, I was the only one left.

"Okay, Holly, umm you can write me a story, about yourself." He said then handed me a book, he told me to write my name on it and then I began....

- Monday 25 may 2015

My life story..

My name is Holly Jane Smith. I'm 18 years old, I used to live in England but now moved to Wales. I have a sister (Not a blood sister, but I see her as one) called Jade and a brother Sam, my mum is called Autumn and my father is called Jack, Jade lives with us now because something happened with her parents.

When I was in England I didn't have many friends, but I had quite a few, I miss England but I have some bad memories there, theres a reason I moved --but I'm not gonna write it-- but I'm kinda happy we moved here, the people look nice..

....... I looked up to see sir looking at me, while the others where acting,

"Hows this so far sir?"

"Can you call me Mr Downey please? I feel old when you say sir"

"Okay..." I handed him my book, he read it and he looked like he was trying to get behind the story... Then his eyes moved from my book into my eyes,

"This is good, if your alright with telling me what this bad memory is, can you tell me?"

"Uh well.... My boyfriend cheated on me with my ex best friend." He looked angry

"Excuse me a second..." Then he walked out the door so I decided to go on my phone and text my mum

-Hey mum, I'm in drama, I got an amazing teacher, pretty cute 2, but ill ring you at break x

Then as I was about to put it back in my pocket, Mr Downey said

"Phone..." I looked up then gave him my phone, I mean its not like he will go on I- ah Uh oh.. He's looking at my phone, I saw him smile, and them coughed and said

"Detention at break..." I nodded and sighed, first day and already got a detention

Isn't That Illegal?...(Robert Downey Jr) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now