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Last night i poured freezing cold water and ice cubes over Sam, and out a toy spider in Jades bed.

Im on my way to school with Jade, but then Jades shouts something. The person in front turned round, i saw who it was... It was none other than Robert Downey Jr... I gulped and carried on walking with Jade till we was right by him, he looked at me, i looked down and said

"Im gonna walk on, i need to talk to mom a sec" 

"Okay see you in first lesson" Jade said 

"Yeah see you first lesson Holly" Robert said

I nodded and walked on, i got my phone out and logged onto Facebook, i realised i hadnt changed my status... I had loads of comments and friend requests... I accepted them all and changed my status;

Status: What an awkward walk to school... 

Once i got to my locker, i put all my stuff in there besides my bag, phone, Drama and English book.. 

 I shut my locker and walked into class, no one else was there except Robert and Jade....

Jade was sat behind me and i was at the front where i sat yesterday... Robert looked at me, i looked at him, we stared at eachother for 2 minutes before i looked away, i felt Jade kick my chair so i turned round she whispered

"Whats going on between you to?"

"I dont wanna talk bout it... Sorry" She nodded and i turned back around, then Robert said

"Jade, you will be writing a story about your life and whats happening, every day till we have finished the subject Romeo and Juliet" She nodded and looked at him, he then said

"Nothing, i dont wanna talk bout it" I was confused, ah she must of asked the same thing but through her eyes... Dude thats scary...

Then everyone started coming in.. So i got my book out, Robert grabbed Jade a book and stood up, he walked passed me, his leg and hand brushed my side... I closed my eyes, shivered and opened them again, i opened my book and wrote

- Monday 26 may

Today, as i was walking to school with Jade, she saw Mr Downey, so we walked with him to school, but i walked on, once i got to school, i walked to my locker and put my stuff in besides my Drama and English book, my phone and my bag.. i walked into Drama.... it was quite awkward but theres a reason behind to why it was... Jade kept kicking my chair , but i got her to stop soon after... 

Then i was stuck, i couldn't think what to write after that.. 

"You stuck?" Jade asked from behind me

"Yep, can i read yours? You can read mine" She passed me her book so i passed her mine hers read

- Monday 26 may

When im older.. I want to be a journalist... I have already planned my graduation speech.... This is it;

Your time is limited, So don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importently, follow your heart... It knows what you truly want to become.. (Found this on a website, i dont take credit for it)

I gave it back to her, she did the same, and said

"Yours is good, but i dont know what you could do.... Ask sir?" 

"Jade.. What have i told you?! Im not 'sir' im Mr Downey Jr... You know i hate being called sir!" I held my laugher inside of me

"Sorry Mr Downey Jr" She said then i put my hand up 

"Yes H-holly?" He stutterd a bit, Jade looked at me funny, i shrugged my shoulders and turned back to him 

"Im uh stuck... Could you read it and help me a bit maybe?" He nodded and told me to come up to his desk, so i did, i brought my pen and book, he told me to sit on the chair next to him. So i did.

And once again he looked hurt and came closer and whispered

"It was awkward cause of me wasn't it?" 

"Umm... no comment?" I said but it came out like a question

"I knew i shouldn't of told you..." I just looked down

"Right i have no idea what you could write... Umm how about what you think of your family? And friends at school.. Me?" He said but said 'Me' quietly

"Okay.. thanks Mr Downey Jr" He nodded head, i sat back in my seat and continued to write...

In school i have no friends... Unless you consider Jade and Mr Downey Jr as my friends then i do... I think Mr Downey Jr is  a kind man, he is nice towards me and my family... I really like his eyes, when i look at them its like they hypnotise me...

"Jade may i talk to you for a minute?" She nodded and walked up to him, he whispered something in her ear

"Yeah, thats fine, oh Mr Downey Jr, can you pop round for a bit after? I really need some help on homework..."

"Sure sure, what time?"

"Straight after school?"

"Alright.." Then she walked back to her seat, i got my phone out to check the time and Sir saw me 

"Holly... Phone... Break.. Here.." I nodded and sighed, i gave him my phone and walked to my seat, grabbed my bag and put my stuff in there, then the bell went, so i grabbed my stuff and went to walk out but sir said

"Holly here a sec" I groaned and walked to him

"Yes?" He looked up at me

"Why am i your background picture? And what was you doing on your phone?"

"Oh um.... Because... And checking the time"


"Never mind.." 

"Tell me or you dont get your phone back.." 

"Fine, because Sam dared me to put it as you for a week.."

"Alright.. you get it at break." I nodded and walked to my next class

_-_Break Detention_-_

Soo im sat in my seat once again

"Soo... Holly...." I looked up at him


"Um im sorry for every thing... Like mentioning that i uh you know...And for almost kissing you..." He said looking down

"Its alright sir.. Wait, i mean Mr Downey Jr."He looked down at me and smirked...Uh oh...

"Ohhh wait till we're walking to yours.. Your in for it, and Jade will be watching and maybe Sam too" I gulped.. 

"O-okay... You wont hurt me will you?"

"Hell no!! Im not abusive!" I sighed of relief, then he grabbed my phone and was tapping away on it again, he handed it to me and bent down to my level, 

"Good luck"

He said then he kissed the corner of my lips, and got up and sat at his desk, i sat there wide eyed and my mouth hanging open, he laughed at my reaction but then the bell went, snapping me out of my daydream, i got up grabbed my bag and went to the door, i looked behind  me and smiled then ran out..

Isn't That Illegal?...(Robert Downey Jr) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now