14. Hospital -Edited-

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Jades POV

I had Jack in my arms as I carried him to my house, i opened the door.

"Sam! Get here now it's important!!" I shouted. Two sets of footsteps came down the stairs. I put Jack down.

"Look after him. Zayn's been shot, Im going to the hospital to stay with him. Jack, be a good boy for your uncle and auntie." I said, he nodded and hugged my leg.

"Don't ask just do." I said to them, Jack walked over to them and I walked out.


I'm at the hospital and sat in the waiting room, Zayn had to have surgury to get the bullet out of him. I sat there waiting and waiting for about two hours. The doctor finally came out and walked upto me.

"Are you his girlfriend, Jade i think he said her name was?" The doctor asked, i nodded and got up

"I am, is he okay? Is he awake?" I asked.

"He's okay now, he's asleep at the moment but before he went in he was saying your name. Asking for you to be with him. But, he should be waking up shortly, so if you'd like to go see him now then you can." He said, I nodded

"Ill show you his room." The doctor then said, i followed him to Zayns room, i walked in and sat in the chair next to his bed. He was really pale and had wires hooked up to him. I started to cry, grabbing his hand and waiting for him to wake up. I felt him squeeze my hand softly. I looked up at him, his eyes were slowly starting to open.

"Zayn, baby, are you okay? Are you hurting? I better get the doctor, ill be back i need to get someone." I rambled.

"Babe chill, I'm fine, I'm not hurting right now, just give me a few moments with you? Please?" He asked, I nodded. I leaned down and kissed him softly.

"I'm sorry for arguing with you, I didn't mean to get angry with you or break up with you please forgive me.." I said, looking guilty.

"I forgive you, I really do. Honestly it's okay, i completely understand." He said with a smile. I smiled back at him and hugged him. He winced slightly. I pulled away and went to walk out the door to get the doctor.

"I love you Zayn." I said, he had a massive grin.

"I love you too Jade." He replied, i smiled and walked out and got the doctor.


Okay, so i know this is a shitty small chapter, but I have to say, it's going to be ending in the next chapter. I know theres not even 20 chapters, but i dont really use this account no more, so, i'll be making a second book for this, on my main account. Which is AnonWriterAlert. It says Anon so no saying my name for the ones that know xD Much appriciated.

-PoisonFlower- x

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