Once Upon A Supernatural Time

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AN: Hello! So, this is going to be a lot of effort on my behalf, but I decided to make some Supernatural Fairytales! The first own will be my own plot, and the rest will be based on actual fairy tales. The first own will have eight parts because I'm a rebel, and I've already written the plots of each. Anyways, I hope you envy and I will make sure to update regularly when I can! Enjoy!  


Once upon a time, in a not-so-far-away land, lived Prince Castiel Alae and his mother and father, King Chuck and Queen Becky. They called him their angel, because he was born with pale, white wings that seemed to glow with the same light finesse of happiness which he was known for being. As he got older, more mature and confined to his home and learning, they grew darker, and he became lonelier. He only wore fake smiles and expressed beaten laughter. He wasn't the same ball of light and cheer they had known, and they didn't like it. He was teased at school until finally he had had enough, and forced his parents to home school him. He grew up alone, with only his parents and servants to keep him slightly company. He was leashed to his room and only came down for supper and to take walks along their miles of beautiful lands.

One comfortably warm Saturday, he went on one of his walks. The sun shone brightly atop the big, green leaves and colorful flowers in bloom. His white and red suit seemed to glow and his eyes were lit up brighter than any star to be found in the vast skies above. Despite all of the beauty of nature surrounding him, he opted to watch his feet walk along the stone pathways that lie beneath him and leads all along the lands. He clutched his locket-which contained a picture of his younger sister Anna who had died in previous years-tight in his hands, knuckles white. He passed a single lily in a patch of daisy's and stopped, staring deeply, for it looked so out of place there. he plucked it from the ground gently, holding it close to his chest and staring into it's beautiful, flowery soul. He dropped it as he heard someone among the hedges next to him yell in pain.

"Hello?" The prince called out shyly, looking all around. He heard rustling and then a heave of breath. A man poked out from the hedges, blocked from just under his breast down. He wore a thin, black t-shirt with a dirt-covered button down that was a weird shade of green. His eyes looked of emeralds they were made, and diamond tools they were carved. They reminded him of the mobile that hung above his crib; there were green, shining stars that made him smile, and the same smile tugged on his lips as he thought back to their glimmer and the same one this gardener's eyes possessed. "Are you alright, sir?" Castiel asked quietly, his voice filled with a cheery tone he hadn't used since he was sixteen.

"Do you have any tweezers? I got a- a, there's something in my finger. A thorn." He stuttered, sweat dripping from his brow to his nose, landing on his pink, soft-looking lips. Castiel's eyes fallowed it as it fell, he licked it away, and Castiel blinked his thoughts away.

"Uh, in the castle. We aren't far off, I could, you do know where it is, don't you?"

"Yes, of course, I just- you know what, I can probably just pull it out with my teeth."

"That would be very unsanitary, Mr.-"

"Vintoniensis. Decanus Vintoniensis"

"Decanus. That is a wonderful name. I'm Castiel Novak." He stretched out his hand for a handshake, Decanus complying. "Your name is Latin, correct?" "

Yes, it is."

"You don't...seem Latin."

"It was my father-he loved all things Latin." He said with a big smile. They let go, Castiel smiling back and shifting his weight.

"Shall I show you the way back?" He asked.

"If you'd like, though I could probably get there myself." They started to walk, and it seems they were father along than they thought, so they had more time to make idle conversation.

"What are you doing here anyway? I don't recognize you, and don't say you are a servant, these aren't the lands of my father's garden."

"We needed some roses grown in fine soil. They don't get any better than up here." They walked, separated by the hedges until there was an opening and Decanus walked through, standing close to the prince.

"What for?" Decanus struggled to answer this.

"I'm a hunter. We needed to...summon a demon." Would he buy it? Decanus did not know, but it was worth a shot.

"If this story didn't sound so intriguing, I'd send you to a mental institute immediately." Castiel smiled widely, purely because the look on this man's face was so beautiful it was priceless. His eyes had a glimmer of life that no eyes had that he had ever seen.

"That's- I get that a lot, you know."

"I could believe that." Decanus smiled wider, eyes squinting at the sun. "I don't seem to be running into demons quite often, would you mind...elaborating?"

"Well, you see, the demons, they- they don't like me and my brother very much. We, may have caged their leader-"

"Lucifer? You captured Lucifer?"

"Yeah- well, Sam, my brother, jumped into the pit, and right now we're looking for who brought him back."

"Why are you telling me all of this? You know, I could shove you into the nut-house any second, right?" Decanus stopped walking, fiddling with the roses in his hands. "Something wrong?"

"No. It's just- I mean, nothing against you, but I really have no clue why I'm telling you all of this. I'm not an idiot, I know who you are, I just... I'm telling you and you haven't thrown me away."

"You say that like you've been there before." He said, tilting his head slightly to the side, brows furrowing in confusion.

Decanus laughed fakely. "I have, actually." Castiel pat him on the back.

"Wish I could relate, though-and I'll only say this because you're being so hon-well, open about yourself. I guess the confines of my room could be considered a mental hospital, but not one of the helping kind."

Decanus knew what he meant, feeling somewhere in his gut that they were on the same page. "Yeah, the kind that sorta, fixes you up an egg and illness sandwich and serves it to ya cold." Castiel looked at him with wide eyes and an understanding smile.

"Your comparisons are so...common but, not. You're strange." Decanus looked at him, silently wishing he didn't say anything at all. They simultaneously started walking again, staring at each other in awe as their feet moved in unison, crunches underneath their feet creating an echo. "I'm sorry," Castiel said after a long silence. "That's not how you make friends, is it?" He asked softly, feeling overcome with embarrassment.

"Friends? This isn't exactly middle-school, I-"

"I know, my apologies. I just, thought, since you are talking to me you'd want to be.....friends."

"The Prince, my friend?"

"That would appear to be the situation."

"Yeah! I mean, sure, yeah."

They walked the rest of the way in silence, lengthy gazes were shared unknowingly and Decanus' wound was mended. (What a small wound to walk all that way for...) They bid their goodbyes and as Decanus started his car, he heard a small voice yelling his name, but not in Latin. "Dean! Dean! Wait!" Dean stopped, rolling down his window as the prince walked to it, out of breath. "Let me come with you."

"What? No, no, no, it's too dangerous!"

"I have been trained by the finest martial artists and fencers, I think I can be of some help."

"No way, you can't just stab some of there things in the heart and expect it to be all better-"

"Then I'll learn." His gravelly voice said sternly.

"I can't just drag the prince aroudn the country forever!" Castiel didn't respond, eyes burning.

"Listen, once you come into the life, there's no getteing out of it-your life is over, and the new one sucks, believe me."

"I'm sure it does. May I come along?" Dean roled his eyes, nodding his head.

"Sure, Cas."

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