This Stops Now

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Four's Pov

I enter the rustling cafeteria filled with hungry teenagers and quickly find my table, where Uriah, Marlene, and Will are currently at a standstill with everyone else. I'm the one that breaks the silence by slamming my hands on the table,

"This stops now, and if any of you are willing to continue I will be damned if you don't pay for the consequences. So I suggest you guys end this argument of yours and solve it by the source. One day or another this mess of ours will be solved, and it will be sooner that later," I say in my authoritative voice. This catches everyone off guard and Marlene is the first to step up and go apologize to Tris.

Tris's Pov

I'm sitting at the cafeteria table, alone, submerged in deep thoughts. This will all be over in a year. Summer will come by and I'll probably have to relocate again because of my step-father's job. Not that my parents care, I'm here at this high school fending for myself hundreds of people that don't seem to like me just because I'm new. I get snapped out of my thoughts once someone sits down at my table.

"Hi, I'm Marlene," this person speaks genuinely but her group of friends makes me wary of her. She holds her hand out for me to shake, but I refuse.

Getting ready to stand up I reply, "If this is some attempt to get a laugh by calling me a freak then leave," I feel myself getting even more frustrated every second. Why me?

She desperately tried to get my attention back by apologizing, "Wait, Tris. What my friends did to you was horrible I know, but I sincerely apologize for everything they did and would not wish it upon anyone."

"And where were you a few days ago, when I was being ripped apart by your so-called friends? Do you care that much about your friends that you chose to disobey your own moralities? Reality check Marlene, I've been bullied ever since I took my first step in this building. I've taken crap from just about everyone here and I've learned to deal with it. If you really want to apologize, you should be standing up to all of these people that go against your own morals," I walk away before she even gets to reply.

There's only two more periods before the day ends, which I'm grateful for because I really need to go somewhere to clear my head.

Four's Pov

From what I saw, Tris wasn't going to accept Marlene's apology anytime soon. She needed a hell of a lot more than just a sorry, and I wouldn't been the same way if I had been in her situation. Hopefully when the day's over I'll be able to talk to her about it.
There aren't many open slots in a school day where I have a chance to speak to Tris, but I'm sure I'll be able to get to her after school.

After another grueling hour of school, I rush out in hopes of finding Tris. I find her, but she's being put down by people from the football team. I'm so over all this bullshit that it all needs to stop. Now. Before even saying anything, I push one of them against the wall and begin, "Listen up Jace, if you so much as day another word to her I will have you and all of your little group of friends off the football team in the blink of an eye for bullying, seeing as I'm the football captain. You know damn well that bullying is not tolerated. At all. So walk away peacefully or face the brutal consequences."

They all leave, scared of what I said, but if that's what they needed to leave Tris alone then I'm willing to do it. I turn my eyes to Tris, who looks like she wasn't affected by what they said, but her eyes tell a whole different story.

"Thank you... I don't know how I would've handled them." She says gratefully. "At least someone here doesn't mind my presence."

"No problem. If I can do anything to save you from those bullies I will. I've always got your back, Tris." Then she surprises me by giving me a hug.

"Thank you, Tobias."

"Anytime Tris, anytime."

Author's note
Pleaseeee keep voting, commenting, and adding to your libraries! I really appreciate all you support and the more you show it, the faster it gets uploaded. Ciao.

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