Chapter 32

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Emma, Jai, Crawford, Tyler, Alex, and I were sitting in the principals office. None of us said anything. We wouldn't even look at each other. What had happened yesterday was the biggest mistake. Who knows what will happen. We can't get out of this one.

Mrs. King was talking to the officers right outside the door. I couldn't hear anything they were saying but I know it's nothing good.

Mrs. King walks into the room with a sigh. "I hope you all know how much trouble you're in."

"We didn't do anything." Alex protests.

"Then explain to me how as soon as Hillary checks into the class, the lights go out. Then when Tyler and her walk out of class the fire alarm goes off. You kids were the only ones left in the building and then the cameras just stopped working."

"You think we planned this?" Alex asks.

"How do you expect us to do all that damage?" I join in.

"I don't know how you did it. I want to believe you all are innocent but there is just so much that went on and you kids were the ones acting the most suspicious. . .explain to me what really happened and all of this can go away."

We all stay quiet. No one knowing how to say the correct thing. If we tell her then we expose our secret. . .and if we don't then we won't be able to do anything without being questioned.

"I'm sorry, but you will all be suspended until further notice."

She sits at her desk and we all leave her office and head to our lockers. On my way there I pass the library which was now completely destroyed. I pull my sleeves further down and keep walking. Jessica and Jenn were waiting for me at my locker.

"Mind explaining to us what happened?" Jessica crosses her arms.

"I got suspended." I tell them while opening my locker.

"Well you did burn our school library down." Jenn mutters.

"It wasn't my fault. I didn't do that." I glare at her.

"Don't get like that with me Hillary. I just want to know what got into you and your little friends." Jenn continues.

I stuff my things into my bag and then swing it over my shoulder. "Look, I really wish I could tell you what's going on but if I do you won't believe me and if I show you I might just get murdered." I look over to Crawford who was know waiting for me. "I have to go. I'll talk to you later."

They sigh and look away. I turn away and walk towards Crawford.

"I can't keep lying to them. It's killing me to see them like that." I say getting in the car.

"We can't tell them Hillary. You know that. We all have to sacrifice everything we love to keep our world safe." He responds.

"They deserve to know. They have put up with not just me but all of us,"

"We can't tell them and we won't. Is that clear?"

I nod softly and look out the window. Jessica and Jenn walk back into the building as we drive away. I can't keep doing this to them. They're going to find out one way or another. They're my friends and they are always around. Crawford is going to have to understand that.

When we arrived at the house the guys and Emma were waiting for us in the living room. "We really messed up." Alex sighs.

"The Angels already contacted us and they weren't happy." Emma mutters.

"What did they say?" I ask.

There was a pause. Then Alex said, "They want us to go back to the Realms."

"I'm not going." I respond immediatly.


"No. . .I said I'm not going."

"Just think about it." They stand up and walk past me.

I walk upstairs to my room. Dante stands up quickly. "Hey, I have to go somewhere. I didn't want to leave without you knowing." He says. I smile slighty and tell him it's fine.

The door bell rings and Alex yells up at me, "Hillary, Jenn and Jess are her for you."

I get up walk down to where they were. "Hey." They both smile. "We are taking you to the fair!"

"Why?" I ask.

"You're welcome. . .and because it's going to be fun." Jenn insists.

I sigh, "Fine, I'm going to change."

They walk into the living room as I go upstairs I get ready and then walk back down. "We can leave." I grab a thin jacket and we get in the car.

"This is going to be so much fun. Everyone from school is going." Jess squeals.

"Oh, great." I mutter.

"It'll be fun." Jenn insists.

We arrive and pay for parking then the tickets. "Where should we go first?"

I shrug and walk by them as they look around to see which ride seems fun. "Ooh, let's get on the cyclone!" Jenn pulls us over there and we get on.

Jenn and Jess pull me towards rides the whole night. It was fun and I enjoyed spending time with them. "I'm kind of tired. You can get on the other ones without me."

"Are you sure?" Jess asks. I nod and sit down on a bench while they wait in line. I look around and I freeze when I see Rowan standing not to far from where I was. I stand up and walk towards her. She frowns and turns away freezing the ground with every step she takes.

I begin to run but lose her in the crowd. I scream when someone turns me around. "TYLER! What the hell?" I smile to reassure the pwople around me that I was fine.

He grabs on to my wrist and takes his phone out. "Crawford, I foung here. . .yeah. . .she's fine. . .okay. . ." He hangs up and pulls me along with him.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Their out and looking for you. We never should have let you leave."

"Who? I can't leave Jess and Jenn."

"They'll be fine." He snaps.

"What's wrong with you? I'm fine. No one is coming for me." I lie.

He continues pulling me until we reach the parking lot where the cars waited for us. Shortly after Crawford and Alex come. Crawford pulls me into his arms.

"What is going on?" I am so confused. Why are they just showing up and acting sl weird?

"I thought I lost you. . ."

"It's the fair. I was going to come back."

"Doesn't matter now. Get in the car."

"What about Jess and Jenn?" I ask as Crawford pushes me into the car.

"Jai will make sure they get home safe."

We drive home and the guys don't tell me anything. I kept asking them what happened out there but they ignored me and entered their own conversation.

I go up to my room and mesaage Jenn and Jess to apologize. Then I drift off to sleep.

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