-Chapter 10-

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I looked at the shore and saw what Calum was bothering me about. A man stood there, crossed arms and all, just watching us.

I turned to Calum. "There's only one way..."

"What are you-"



"What the fück." Luke stated after we heard Ashton yelling about a scary dude watching them.

"Should we check on them?" I asked, but already started swimming towards them.

"What if he rapes us?" Luke said.

"Enjoy the sex while it lasts," I answered him, and swam away. Luke scoffed and followed me.

We arrived by Ashton and Calum and they pointed to the man.

"That's the scary dude," Ashton whispered.

"I'll go talk to him," I said.

"No! Michael!" Calum yelled.

I continued wading out of the water anyway. I walked onto the shore and slipped my pants on.

"Hey man, not trying to be an äss or anything, but why the fück are you staring at us?" I said. The guy suddenly jumped and looked at me.

"Oh my god, you scared me!" He said.


"I was just thinking about how to get away from the- I mean, I got lost from my group and I saw you guys, but then I started wondering how to get out of here because I forgot my way..." He finished. "And I kinda forgot I was staring. But I guess I had a good view..." He trailed off, glancing up and down my body.

"Oh," I blushed. Then I took in his features. He had dark brown, longer hair. He had some stubble and bluey green eyes. He had tattoos and looked really good. Hot, even.

"I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson," he said, sticking out a hand. I shook it.

"Michael Clifford." I then motioned for the boys to get out of the lake. "These are my friends."

"Ashton Irwin," Ashton said quietly, narrowing his eyes at Louis. "And that's Calum, but he's mine."

"Okay?" Louis said awkwardly.

"I'm Luke," Luke said. "Hemmings," he added.

"Nice to meet you all," Louis said with a smile on his adorable face. "Why are you all here?"

"We decided to skip school for a few days to come camping here an-"

"Michael! Shut up! You don't know who this guy is," Ashton muttered, glaring at Louis.

"Oh, yeah sorry, I never really introduced myself to you. I'm Louis Tomlinson."

"You still make me uncomfortable," Ashton said.

"Well, Louis. Would you like to stay at our camp for the night?" I suggested.

"I'd rather not intrude-"

"No, it's okay, really. We'd enjoy having you there with us," I insisted.

"Well, alright I guess. But tell me if I'm somehow bothering you and you want me to leave."

"You're bothering me, so leave," Ashton grumbled. Louis just looked at me.

"Ashton, could we have a talk?" I asked. Ashton nodded slightly and we walked along the bank of the lake.

"Let Louis stay for one night at least."

"Michael, I have a strange feeling about him," Ashton lowered his voice. "I'm a good judge of character, and this guy isn't right."

"It's probably in your head Ash."

"Maybe, but I just- Michael?!"

"What?" I asked quickly.

"Your scars are showing! Did they see?!" Ashton said. I instantly looked at my arms full of scars.

"Shït! I hope not! Can you go get my shirt?!" I asked in panic.

"Yeah! Hold on!"

Ashton then ran off and a moment later, came back with my long-sleeved shirt. I pulled it over.

"Let's go back, and if you notice Calum and Luke talking about me then tell me right away, I don't want them to know... Especially Luke."

"I will Michael, and don't worry, they probably never saw anything."


Back at camp, we all sat around the fire. It was getting cloudy and cooler out. It was probably going to rain, so we decided to be outside while we could.

"So where you all from?" Louis asked, his cheery voice ringing out over the sound of thunder in the distance.

"A small town by Sydney," I answered, since no one else did.

"Wow, that's almost eight hours from here right?" Louis asked. I nodded. "Road trip?"

"Pretty much," Calum said. I could tell he was cool with Louis being here.

"It was so fun! I planned it all out and everything! We, as in Calum and I, kidnapped Michael and Luke right after school and- Oh! Luke pissed on a tough guys face! But Michael made it better by stealing food-"

I tuned Ashton out. I guess he was comfortable with Louis now. His feelings could change towards someone really quickly, like with Luke.

I jumped slightly at the sight of lightning, followed by a thunder clap. I then felt a drop of water fall onto my head.

"I think it's time to get in the tents." I stated. Everyone agreed. "How about Louis stays in a tent with me, and the rest of you all share one."

"Alright," Calum agreed. I swore I saw some disappointment in Luke's expression, but I wasn't sure. Louis smiled at me and I let him follow me into our tent.

We both sat down, after all it was only 2pm, and we were not ready to sleep.

"I know I'm like a stranger and stuff to you, but do wanna get to know each other?" Louis asked awkwardly.

"Sure." I said. "What do you wanna do?"

"Hey guys!"

We both looked at the tent door. And there was Luke.

"Now the party can start!" He winked at me.



louissssssssss ay

this was a bad chapter but it's gonna lead to some things u just wait

i have nothing to say

actually there's a hot guy in my class but u know, the slut got to him first what a shame

vote and comment babes! Thanks for all the reads and votes and comments!! xx

~Cassie 💕]

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