-Chapter 16-

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I talked to myself in the mirror a few times, practicing what I would say to Michael. How do you even explain what I put Michael through because I love him?

I stopped speaking after hearing a thump on the roof.

Last time I checked, it wasn't Christmas and it sure as hell wasn't Santa on that damn roof.

I slowly walked over to the window and opened it. I squinted my eyes as I spotted a figure walking across the roof. Telling by the crazy looking hair and his silhouette, I knew it was Michael.

I watched him sit down. He did nothing for awhile. But then, I saw him take something out of his pocket.

The moonlight shone on the little piece of metal. My heart stopped as I realized it was a blade. Michael moved his sleeve of his right arm up.

Instantly, I jumped through the window and ran to him. I sat down right away before he could process anything and I kissed him. Again.

But while kissing him, I took his blade and threw it off the roof.

It felt like the first kiss we shared, except this time it lasted longer and there was no yelling after it. Just silence.

Until Michael spoke. "Why?"

I breathed out and laughed slightly. "I have no fücking idea."

Because it was true. I always do the stupidest things without thinking.

"Fück Luke, this isn't normal..." Michael trailed off. I nodded.

"I know. We're enemies-" I made air quotes with my fingers as I said it. "-and I keep kissing you."

Michael nodded. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I lied." I stated, just like Michael did when he told me about the night I attempted to drown myself.

"Tell me more because I am so fücking confused. Is this about our past? About why you suddenly decided to make my life a living hell? About-"

"Yes Michael!" I shouted. My voice echoed through the neighborhood. "It is." I said more softly.

"When you left to go to the United States... You came back hating me... Why?"

I chuckled and bit my lip, shaking my head. "It's stupid."

Michael put a hand on my shoulder. "Luke, nothing's 'stupid' about you. Except for leaving me like that. You can tell me. I don't care anymore, I just want you- the real you- back."

"I realized I was in love with you, Michael."

Michael gasped slightly.

"And I also realized being gay was unnatural and bad and that I was going to burn in hell. So, to shortly explain the four years of torturing you, I thought by making you hate me that you'd stay away and I would fall out of love with you.

"But honestly, I never stopped. And I was completely stupid for thinking that I could just hurt you like that without raising suspicion. Honestly, I was young and dumb and I was too scared to really tell you how I feel because you're not gay and you're not in love with me."

By now, there were tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt weak. Michael already has seen me cry twice this year. And now I'm pouring out my feelings to him.

He brushed my cheek with his thumb, getting rid of a tear. "You don't know that."

I suddenly looked up at Michael.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked hopefully. He cracked a smile.

"This is so fücking weird, but I've had feelings for you for a long time now. I just now realized it. When we became friends, there was just something. We cuddled when we were younger, which wasn't normal. There was so many times I was going to kiss you... I mean, even when you were being a complete äss, I didn't want to stop seeing you. I was sad that we're seniors because then I wouldn't get to see you five days a week. Jesus, I'm rambling." He laughed, now with tears in his eyes. Then suddenly, his eyes got dark and he seemed to be angry. "But how could I love someone who makes me hurt myself?" He whispered, glancing at his arms.

I looked too, and saw hundreds of scars. Some new, some old. I touched them softly and looked at Michael.

"I'm going to fix you. I know I broke you, but I'll fix you back up." I said through tears. "I promise."

And then I kissed him again, without any hesitation.

"So you really love me, huh?" Michael laughed and said, breaking the kiss. "I can't believe it."

"Well believe it."

I ran my fingers through his soft hair.

"I'm in love with your soft, crazy hair."

I stared into his eyes.

"I'm in love with your beautiful green eyes."

I rubbed his nose against mine.

"I'm in love with your cute little nose."

I looked at his lips and gulped. Then, I gave him a soft peck on the lips.

"I'm in love with your pink, smooth lips."

I then moved my lips to his neck. I paused and then sucked the skin, leaving a love bite, and making Michael let out a soft moan by which he became embarrassed by.

"I'm in love with your pale skin."

I ran my hands down his chest.

"I'm in love with your chest, your heart."

I slid my hands down farther, stopping at the waistband of his pants. I bit my lip and looked up at Michael, who was staring down at me.

I shook my head and moved my hands back to his face.

"I'm in love with you. Everything about you."


[A/N: double update because I'm inspired to write and I honestly love this chapter it's so fuucking lovey and cute and stuff and ROMANTIC MUKE IS HAPPENING

But Michael is going to have some doubts about his feelings for Luke in the next chapter, considering that Luke hurt him so much for four years

Media Box: Michael. Because he's adorable af and I love everything about him oml

Anyway, hopefully you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did and if you did, vote and comment!

~Cassie 💕]

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