Wait what

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Dallas pov.

I was really worried about her and I felt really bad I called her a bitch. Now she will never want to talk to me ever again. Ugg I bet that they already found her I called her phone but no answer but it did not go strait to voice ,mail so I'm guessing she is ignoring me I went on the friend my phone app and I was tying to trace her but then I felt somthing that did not feel right I knew something was wrong. I called her phone one more time no answer again ok let me go find this girl. Wait why is she in one of the most dangerous part of town omfg she is in trouble I got to go save her

When I got there it was a house I has a knife in my back pocket and a gun in my side.. Yeah I'm dangerous but I had to protect my self plus I don't even know who's house this is I was walking up to the door and I rang the door bell.

???: who the fuck are you

Dallas: well I am Dallas

???: what the fuck do you want

Dallas: yo you gonna have to shut the fuck up talking to me like that

???: yeah yeah why the fuck you here

Dallas: I'm looking for my girl

??: I don't know. What you talking bout

Dallas: dude I got on find my phone and it traced her here now where the fuck is she

??: I don't know what ya talking about ** who the fuck is at my door**

Dallas: what's your name any ways

??,: Jordan

Dallas: why you look familiar

Jordan : idk your just crazy cause I don't know you

Dallas: wait what school did you go to

Jordan: boss can you come deal with him

???: what the fuck you want bitch

Dallas: diggy

Diggy: the one and only

Dallas: ( grabbing in to his collar) what the fuck did you do with her

Diggy:( chuckles) oh Dallas you know why I'm here and if you try to get in my way your going to get your self killed

Dallas:(. Pulls out knife) not if I kill you first

Diggy: pls you don't have the guts

Dallas: I give you one last chance where is she

Diggy: do I really look like the person to just give up like that

Dallas: ( putting the knife on his neck) where the fuck is she

Diggy: I wish I could tell you honestly( chuckles) but I don't know where she is

Dallas: you liar

Diggy : I don't Care if you cut me ill come right back and kill you and asha

Dallas( putting him down) ok why did I find her phone here

Diggy: one of the people that work for me took it

Dallas: diggy stay away from her aight if you don't I will shoot you and everyone you love

Diggy: I guess you shooting asha then

Dallas: you known I can't so that

Diggy: exactly

Dallas: ill deal with you later

Diggy: see ya real soon

Dallas: shut the fuck up

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