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When Jackie woke up, she could still feel the smile on her face. Sitting up on the couch, she stretched her arms over her head, standing up just as Lily and Sean came into the living room.

"What's with the smile?" Lily asked with a raised eyebrow.

Jackie walked up to them. "In my dream..I saw Mark."

It immediately got their attention. "What did he say?" Sean asked.

She felt her face heat up a little. "He said..that he's happy. That he's not in pain anymore." She had that slight dreamy look in her eyes. "He also said he loved me."

Their eyes widened. "Really now?" Lily said in shock. "Well, that's surprising."

"But at least he said he's happy." Sean said. "Which...I guess makes me feel a little better about myself."

"See? Not everything ends badly." Lily said, smiling at him.

They got interrupted by a sudden scream, and they all took out their guns, staying against the wall next to the door. Sean glanced out the window, seeing someone running for their life, followed by at least three zombies.

"Fuck..better not bring those over here." He said seriously.

"What is it?" Jackie asked.

"Zombies..I saw at least a few of them."

"HELLPP!" They shouted, hoping someone would hear them.

Lily sighed in frustration. "Dammit...should we?"

They saw the person run into the house next door, the zombies quickly making their way to them.

The group burst through the door, running over to where the person is trapped.

"Hey fuckers! Over here!" Lily shouted, grabbing the zombies' attention. Shooting one in the center of the forehead, they fell right after. Sean shot his shotgun, crimson spurting everywhere from the zombie before they dropped. One tackled Lily to the ground, and she immediately kicked them in the leg a few times, shoving them off of her before Jackie shot it. Offering a hand to her, she took it, standing back up.

"You alright?" Jackie asked.

Lily nodded. "Yeah, didn't get bit."

They saw the person cowering by the door, scared to move.

"It's okay, you can come out now. They're all dead." Sean reassured. The door slowly opened, revealing a young girl, with long blonde hair and worried dark blue eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you thank you!" She said, running up to them. "You have no idea how much I'm grateful you guys saved me!"

"Don't get too caught up in it." Lily said. "You with anyone?"

She shook her head. "They're all dead...I've been on my own for about a week.."

"Well..that's the apocalypse for you." Sean said. "Tell you long as you don't try anything, you can come with us. But if you do, you can bet your ass you'll be dead in a second."

"O-Okay." She said nervously. "I-I promise I won't try anything like that."

Sean nodded. "Alright then..just stay close no matter what." He narrowed his eyes. "What's your name?"

"Bridget." She said.

"Okay, Bridget." Lily said. "I'm Lily, this is Sean, and that's Jackie. We're gonna keep walking, because what just happened attracted more of them. Possibly soldiers. So like he said, stay close, and don't get killed."

Nodding, the four of them continued to move away from where they were.


"So, your group all got attacked by zombies?" Lily asked after Bridget told them everything.

She nodded. "Yeah...right in front of me as I hid. But...that's the only way to go, right?"

"Pretty much." Sean said.

"So where are we going now?" Bridget asked.

Lily shrugged. "Not sure yet..just gotta keep an eye out for any infected."

They suddenly heard what sounded like a big vehicle coming our way. Ducking behind another car, they noticed it was the big black tank.

"Shit...not again." Sean said, looking over to Bridget. "No matter what happens, always stay away from that damn thing. They'll shoot anybody with the giant ass gun on top of the tank."

Slightly cringing in fear, she stayed hunched against the car, hearing it pass by, taking a turn away from them. Jackie glanced over the top, seeing it go away. Standing back up, they quickly walked to the other side, hoping it didn't spot them.

"Thank fuck..." Lily said. "I thought it would see us."

"Let's go..don't want it coming back here." Sean said. They continued going straight, heading inside another huge building when a noise stopped them. The water rippled against their ankles as they all froze, hearing it again.

" that?" Bridget asked, fear in her voice.

Whatever it was came out, their eyes wide with terror as a giant zombie approached. It was at least ten feet tall, with a sickly yellow color, a very demented head, and a giant belly.

"You might want to get back." Lily said. "It throws some kind of venom or whatever at you."

"What is it?" Jackie asked, her gun out.

It roared, throwing a big ball of venom. Immediately dodging, they split, hiding behind a shelf.

"To answer your question, Jackie..." Lily began, giving her a serious look. "I call it a bloater."

Hearing it roar with rage again, it attacked once more.

Ur welcome Markimoobooper :)

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