Chapter 2

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"Hey, Gin. Hi Harry." Hermione said. She was normally the last at breakfast.
"Look, the post." Ginny pointed out.
At the Slytherin table Draco was panicking. He knew what the letter says.
A grey owl landed infront of Hermione. It dropped a letter and flew off.
Hermione carefully opened the letter. It had tear stains.
Dear Hermione,
I know Voldemort will kill me soon. I am so sorry. I will just tell you. I am you're father.
Your godmother is Narcissa Malfoy. And you're mother requested your godfather be Sirius Black. I will tell you me and your mother's identity at the end of the letter so you don't freak out.
You will live with the Malfoy's.
All my possessions are left to you. I love you so much. I'm sorry I was super mean to you.
Oh, and there is glamour charms. You can leave them on if you wish.
Narcissa will send this to you after the war.
Your mother is Lily Potter. She loves you very much. And Harry is James's, to clarify.
Severus Snape.
(Your daddy)

Hermione looked up and was crying.
"Are you okay." Harry asked.
Hermione wiped away her tears.
"Oh yeah. I'm fine." Hermione said in a rush. Harry wasn't convinced.
"Let me see that letter." Ginny said.
"No." Hermione said sternly.
Then she ran out.
"I'll go." Ginny said standing up.
She found Hermione in the library.
"What's wrong."
"I'm adopted." Hermione said. She was crying.
"And I watched my godfather die. And my father. And I'm am orphan."
"Oh my god. Who are your parents."
Hermione paled.
"I'm not telling you." Hermione declared.
"Okay. I have to go though." Ginny said then left.
Hermione just sat there crying.
"Hermione?" Someone whispered.
Hermione lifted her head and saw Draco.
"Why are you here."
"I wanted to say sorry for everything. You will be staying at my house for Christmas. So I think we should be friends." Draco said.
"Okay." Hermione said weakly.
Draco did something very surprising- he hugged her.
When she stopped crying she just sat there smiling.
"Thanks. You will be a great godbrother." Hermione said.
"Thanks" he said.
Hermione got up and left.
Later that night Hermione was curled up in the Gryffindor Common Room. She was reading a book. How surprising! Not.
"Oh my god Hermione. Ginny told me. Are you okay." Harry said. Then he hugged her. Hermione wanted to tell him, but she couldn't. It would be too hard...
"I don't know. My godbrother is being nice though." Hermione said.
"Who." Harry said.
"Can't tell." she snapped.
"Fine. But could you tell me everything. Ginny was talking real fast." Harry whined.
"I got a letter from my father. He wrote they letter before he died. He died in the battle. Oh, and I watched my godfather die too. Now I know how you feel Harry when you lost Sirius. Oh, and my mother died too." Hermione explained.
"Hint?" Harry said with puppy eyes.
"What do you wanna know." Hermione questioned.
"House your father, mother, and godfather were in."
"My mother and godfather were Gryffindor, but my dad was a Slytherin."
"Okay, tell me whenever your ready." Harry said.
Then he walked to his dormitory.

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