Chapter 3

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Hermione woke up early the next morning.
She went to breakfast early.
She asked McGonagall if they could talk.
"Seeing as how there is no students in the hall yet, I don't see why not." McGonagall said.
"Did you know. About my father." Hermione said.
"I don't think so, I'm afraid."
"Well, to let you know, my mother was Lily and Snape is my father."
McGonagall gasped.
"Er... thank you."
Then Hermione walked away.
"Hey Mione!" Ginny and Harry said taking their seats.
Then the mail came.
Hermione got another letter.
Dear Hermione,
I an excited you are staying with us. I have the greatest regrets of everything that my family has ever done to you.
Narcissa Malfoy

Hermione shot a smile at Draco.
They had Potions next.
Harry and Hermione were partners.
"By the way Hermione. Not that it matters but are you a half blood or pure-blood?" Harry asked.
"Half." Hermione said.
"Okay, today we will be making a potion that takes off any charm. You and your partner will test on eachother. Instructions on the board. Begin!" Slughorn announced.
When they finished the potion Hermione volunteered to go first. They had to cast a charm first.
Hermione downed the potion.
Not only did the charm they put on wear off- but her glamour charms, too.
She totally forgot.
She had waist length curly black hair and green eyes with flecks of black.
She looked down so Harry couldn't see her eyes. They would be a dead give away.
"Professor Slughorn. May we speak in private for a moment." Hermione asked politely.
"Yes, dear."
They stepped in his office.
"I recently found out I was adopted and had glamour charms. They just came off, can you fix them." Hermione said.
He waved his wand and she was back to normal.
"Thanks, professor."
Then she stepped back out.
"What was that." Harry asked.
"I forgot my parents put on glamour charms."
"Why?" Harry asked.
"They weren't supposed to be together. My mum was married." Hermione pointed out.
"Oh," Harry said.
Then they walked to their next class, charms.
"Why are you so good at charms." Harry whined as she did the charm.
"Let's just say it's in my blood." Hermione said with a smirk.

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