Chapter 6

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The next morning Hermione was very excited.
She was wearing a green butterfly style shirt. And she had pink capri pants.
Harry, Ginny, and Hermione basically ran to Hogsmeade.
When they entered the pub Hermione basically attacked Ron.
Then he hugged Harry and Ginny.
They took a booth in the back.
"So, Hermione, what's this I hear of your parents being magical." Ron said. He's really straight forward.
"I'm not telling you!" Hermione said.
"Okay, okay. But I should get a clue." Ron said.
"You knew my dad....well. Oh, and both my parents were killed by Voldemort." Hermione said.
Hermione scooted uncomfortably in her seat.
"Why won't you tell us." Ginny said.
"I don't want to hurt someone's feelings!" Hermione said. It would wreck Harry.
"Please?" Ron said.
"Fine... I'll give you a big hint. Harry, leave."
"Why!" Harry said.
"Cuz you already got your hint. Remember."
Then Harry walked off.
"What was Harry's hint." Ginny said.
"That I want to murder Bellatrix. Sirius is my godfather."
"Okay... what's ours." Ron said.
"He helped us a great deal."
"Oh," Ginny said.
"That's not much to go on." Ron pointed out.
Just then, Draco walked in.
Hermione motioned for him to come over.
"What's he doing here." Ron said.
Hermione hugged Draco.
Ron almost fell off his chair.
"He's my godbrother, Ronald." Hermione have him a smack upside the head.
"Oh...Okay. I mean this in the nicest of ways. Wait, Ginny leave." Ron said. Ginny walked off to see Harry.
"I mean this nicely. Hermione, were your parents death eaters. I won't tell Harry, whatever your answer is."
"As a matter of fact, Ronald, yes." Hermione said.
Ron normally wasn't the bright one, but the first thing in his head was Snape.
"Okay." he said brightly.
Then Ginny and Harry came back.
They sat back down, as did Draco.
Then they just talked.
Hermione knew she had to tell Harry.
"I'll go get more butterbeer!" Harry said. Draco had already left.
But, he put something in Hermione's.
"Thanks Harry." Hermione said.
She took a big sip of hers. She noticed Harry and Ginny smirking. She thought nothing of it.
Slowly, without her noticing, the glamour charms wore off.
Hermione made the accident of looking Ginny in the eyes.
Ginny fell off her chair.
"Oh my god Hermione, you have eyes like Harry with flecks of black." Ginny pointed out.
Hermione looked angry.
"Did you put that in my drink. To make the charm wear off?" Hermione accused.
Harry nodded his head.
"Well, I guess I have to tell you now. Harry James Potter, you are my half brother!"

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