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Hey so from Sept 30th until Oct 3rd I'm going to be away camping with my outdoor class.

I cannot bring my phone.....

I also have to go to the bathroom in a hole in the ground.

I don't know how I'm going to survive.

Also please check out my new 5sos fan fiction, its a horror fan fic and its called 72 Hours.

Chapter Four
*1 Day Later*
Chloe's POV

The girls all sat down in the Cuke living room.

The kids were at school but the girls, except me, had their babies with them.

"What's up?" Lucy asks bouncing Liam on her lap.

"Um well I'm pregnant again, with twins" I say.

"Oh my god really!?" Melanie asks.

I nod. "Yeah, 2 and a half months"

"Okay, I sorta thought you might be but I didn't want to say anything" Melanie said. I laugh.

"Oh wait but we're going on a small tour" Lucy says.

"I know" I add.

"We need to discuss where the kids are going to go, let's skype the guys" Ashlyn says.

*5 Minutes Later*

The call connects.

"We're going on tour!" the girls yell.

"What? Really?" Calum asks.

I nod.

"Wait what about the kids?" Luke says.

"That's why we called" Ashlyn says.

Lucy's POV

Chloe quickly gets up and runs out of the room and into the bathroom vomiting.

"Is she okay?" Calum asks.

"Yeah" Ashlyn smiles.

"She's two months pregnant" I say.

"With twins" Luke adds.

Calum's eyes nearly pop out of his head.


*8 Minutes Later*
Chloe's POV

I walk back into the room.

"Congrats!" The guys yell.

I smile. "Thanks"

"Okay so back to the kids, they'll be getting out of school in like a couple weeks right?" Luke asks.

I nod. The kids will be getting out for summer.

"We leave for tour in 4 days" Mel says.

"Your babies could stay with their grandparents?" Emma suggests.

"Yeah! That's a great idea" Ashton says.

"We could split the older kids up between us?" Calum says.

"Yeah I haven't seen the girls in ages, I'd love to have them on tour for a couple months" Luke says.

I smile.

"Okay so us girls will have...um Arielle, Aidan, and Ashley?" Ashlyn says.

"Okay and we'll have Zoella, Cece, Nadia, and Bradley" Michael says.

"We'll pull the kids out of school 3 weeks early and fly out to Australia tomorrow morning" Lucy says.

"We should arrive in Australia the day after you guys get there" Calum says.

"Okay we'll see you soon"

*That Night*

"Mummy why? It's only 7!" Zoe whines.

"We have to get up at 3:45 am" I say.

"Why?" she asks.

"Because we're going to visit nan and pop" I say zipping up Zoe's suitcase.

"Really!?" Zoella asks excitedly.

"Yes now go get in your shower, I'll be there in a minute to help you" I say.

*3:45 am*
Nobody's POV

Chloe gently woke Zoella and Arielle up, the girls were wearing onesies that didn't have feet in them.

Zoella was wearing a batman onesie and Arielle was wearing a Robin onesie.

Lucy woke up the twins and Liam, they were also all wearing superhero onesie's.

Nadia was wearing a Superman onesie, Aidan was wearing a SpiderMan onesie, and Liam was wearing a Thor onesie.

Ashlyn woke up Cece and Asher, they were both wearing superhero onesies.

Cecilia was wearing an Iron Man onesie and Asher was wearing a Wonder Woman onesie.

Melanie woke up Thomas who was wearing a Captain America onesie.

Emma woke up Bradley and Ashley. They were of course wearing superhero onesies.

Bradley was in a Hulk onesie and Ashley was in a Cat Woman onesie.

Cars picked them all up and drove them to the airport where they met up.

Paparazzi was their of course snapping pictures of the tired mums, cranky kids, and crying babies.

They boarded the plane half an hour later and most of them slept the whole flight.

*2 Days Later*

The girls had been spending time with their families.

The boys pulled up to their childhood houses.

Ashton walked in the front door and was spotted by Ashley.

She squealed loudly and ran to Ashton asking him to pick her up.

Bradley walked into the room looking for Emma.

"Daddy!" Bradley yelled and ran to Ashton hugging him tightly.

Emma walked into the room with her suitcase.

She dropped it and ran to Ashton kissing him.

Michael walked into the house.

"Mummy Liam is eating the play dough!" Nadia yelled.

Michael walked into the kitchen and spotted the kids playing with play dough. Lucy took the play dough out of Liam's mouth.

"Hey" Michael says.


Calum walks into the house.

"Mummy! Asher just said penis!" Cecelia yelled.

"What!?" Ashlyn yells confused.

"Oh lord" Calum sighs.

"Penis!" Asher squeals.

"Honey I'm home" Calum yells.


Luke walked into the house as Chloe was walking past the front door.

She turned to him and smiled widely hugging him tightly before kissing him.

"Daddy" Arielle yelled.

Zoella ran into the room confused.


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