Chapter 10

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The next morning, I basically had to force Ciel to let us keep moving. Since I had been coughing the entire day before, he wanted me to rest another. I convinced him by saying every day we spent resting was another of the Rabbit getting further away.

It took hours before I told him, "We're getting close." The mushrooms surrounding us were colossal. They were as tall as trees. Blocking some of the paths were giant tin cans and boxes. They were old, empty, and filthy.

Ciel complained, "This place is disgusting."

I frowned, "It used to be known as Mushroom Forest, but ever since the Caterpillar moved in, it has been called the Underworld. He really let this place go. It used to be lively with people, animals, and vegetation. Now, only mushrooms and some grass grows. It's quite sad. Wonderland is ashamed of it. Whenever someone wants to come here it changes the paths, so they won't see it."

He asked, "Why doesn't it bring someone who cares enough to clean it?"

"The Caterpillar wouldn't like it. He's incredibly influential," I explained. "Start looking for him. I don't know where he might-"

I was interrupted by a puff of purple smoke blown in our faces. We both stopped and started coughing. "Ah, so you have finally located my hideaway?" the Caterpillar asked. We looked up at the mushroom in front of us. He sat there with his pipe. I forgot to mention that he was fond of drugs. Perhaps he wasn't going to be our best choice of help....

"Who are you?" Ciel demanded.

Caterpillar answered, "I'm the Caterpillar, of course. I suspected this day would come sooner or later. I've been waiting most eagerly." His closed eyes opened halfway, and he peered at me. "I did not expect you to bring such a beautiful, young girl, though. That is a rather nice surprise. Would you like to sit with me?"

I knew about the Caterpillar, and I worried he wouldn't tell us the information we needed if I declined. I nodded, "Very much so; thank you." I walked over and grabbed his hand. He pulled me up onto the mushroom. I sat next to him but put some space between us. I nodded at Ciel to continue speaking.

"Been waiting, have you? Does this mean you know what my next move should be?" my friend wondered.

"I'm afraid I have no idea what you're asking!" Caterpillar replied.

"Quit dithering and give me an answer!" Ciel demanded. He was getting upset again. I'd have to teach him patience eventually if we were to ever get anything done.

The Caterpillar put the pipe to his lips again before blowing out more smoke. I luckily avoided it while Ciel coughed. "The right side will make you grow taller, and the left side will make you grow shorter. Here in Wonderland, that's just how things works," he said. My eyebrows came together.

"More nonsense prattle!" Ciel spat.

I told him, "That is actually true, but-"

"The fungi," I heard a female's voice say. I couldn't see her. She had to be below me.

Ciel asked, confused, "The fungi?"

She repeated, "The fungi." When she walked into view, I blushed. She wasn't clothed! But she was a mushroom. I could tell by the red and white mushroom top on her head, but I wondered what she planned to do to him.

He began to back away from her, "One moment. What are you doing?"

The fungus told him, "Suck here."

He looked at her in shock. "I beg your-" he began, but she grabbed his head and forced his face onto her chest.

I gasped, looking away, "How unsightly!"

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