Chapter 12

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I coughed for the fourth time during my trip with the Mad Hatter. "That cough sounds terrible," he commented.

"I know," I sighed. "You could say I'm sick, but I feel fine."

He laughed, "Are you fine if you're sick?"

"Well... no," I frowned.

"Then, which are you?" Hatter wondered.

"If I am to choose one, then I don't know which to choose," I admitted.

"Hm.... Since we're on the topic of you, I must ask, Miss Alice, what do you want with Alice?"

I answered, "I'm helping him find the White Rabbit, as I said I would."

He asked, "And after you find him? Then, what?"

I said, "We will go our separate ways. Honestly, why must everyone keep asking that?" I jumped when Hatter started laughing hysterically. I crossed my arms as he fell on the ground, holding his side. "I don't see what's so funny."

"You-You... you don't even... know!" Hatter managed to spit out.

"Know what? Caterpillar said that, but I have yet to figure out what I am missing. I know everything about Wonderland. What is it you know that I don't?" I demanded angrily.

Slowly, Hatter picked himself up while chuckling, "Come along. I... I want you to see something. We're almost there." He continued to giggle as he kept walking, but with no choice, I followed with an aura of irritation surrounding me.

We came to a large iron gate with vines crawling up the bars on it. A house that hadn't been taken care of so well sat there. In its yard, five tables of different shapes and sizes made up a long one. It was covered in different table runners and cloths. Nine chairs that didn't match were set up. Mismatching tea sets were put in different places on the table along with some treats. The centerpiece of flowers in the middle was quite lovely, though.

Two were already sitting at the table. One was Dormouse, who, for once, wasn't sleeping. He had blonde hair that was brown underneath with grey mouse ears and glasses. The second guest was the March Hare. He had black hair with floppy, brown rabbit ears, and glasses.

Hatter ducked when Hare threw a teacup at him. "You're a minute late," he glared, looking at his pocket watch.

"Terribly sorry. I picked up a friend on my way here. This is Alice Um," Hatter motioned to me. "I'm sure you already know, but for politeness, I'll introduce them, anyway. The now sleeping one is Dormouse, and the one that threw the cup is the March Hare."

I nodded, "Nice to meet you."

Hare nodded back, "Likewise."

Hatter asked, "Would you like to sit down? We're having a tea party!"

"Oh, no, I-" I started, but he shoved me in the chair next to the left of the Dormouse.

"Would you like some tea?" he asked as he sat on my right at the end of the table.

"No, I'm not in the mood to get shrunken," I joked. I earned a laugh from him.

He calmed down, "I must insist." He grabbed a teapot and poured the liquid into the cup closest to him. Even when it was full, he continued pouring. It was only when Hare used a hedge trimmer he always kept with him to take the cup and saucer away did Hatter stop. He placed it in front of me. "And sugar, too?"

"Please, this is unnecessary. What is it that you wanted to show me?" I asked. He ignored my wishes and took a handful of sugar cubes. He dumped them in the tea.

"Look at it. Then, you will see," he said cryptically.

When I looked at the tea, the last of the sugar dissolved. My eyebrows raised at what appeared. In the liquid was Ciel and I. It was when I saved him from the water. It changed quickly to when I was talking with him as I sat on the platform of his Eiffel Tower costume. Then, it was when we were sitting by the lake, talking about what I was like. Next, I saved him from the grindylow. Fifth, we were talking about England, but then went to when I fainted. When we were talking when I woke up. The last one was of when I saw him as a child and adult. Then, the tea was just tea.

"Memories are a very important, special thing. They tell you things you might have missed before," Hatter told me.

My eyebrows came together, "I don't understand. What have I missed?"

"The look in both your eyes," he smirked.

Who's Alice? (A Black Butler/Ciel Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz