Chapter One

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(Warning - There will be explicit content throughout this book, if that is not your thing I suggest you quit reading here.)

"Castiel!" I hear my father's voice call from downstairs. I groan to myself and roll out of my tiny, yet comfortable bed. While neatly tucking the corners of my bed sheet into the headboard, I take my time because this is the last morning that I will be completing the task for months.

"Castiel!" He calls again.

"I'm up!" I yell back. The cabinets open and close downstairs, the sounds of him frantically preparing breakfast before our big trip today. The knot in my stomach grows with each step to the bathroom and by the time I start the shower, it's nearly unbearable. I spent the last few year nervously anticipating college. My weekends were spent studying and preparing for this day while my peers were out getting drunk, wasting their time making mistakes that will affect them now that we've all graduated high school. The day my acceptance letter to Washington State came I was thrilled, it was not unexpected, yet that didn't take away the excitement of it all. My father went on about how this was purely a result of how he raised me for what seemed like hours, and I have to admit that I was and am pretty proud of myself. All of my hard work is finally paying off. I had once considered leaving Washington for college but eventually decided against it once I thought about leaving the familiarity. I like my set routines, just like my father.

The hot water loosens my strained muscles. I snap out of my relaxation when I realize that I've already shampooed and conditioned my hair. Twice. I hurry and rinse my body before having to hear my father's impatience grow further.

As I wrap the towel around my wet body, I hear my father call for me once again but I ignore him. I know he is nervous for my arrival day at college but I have had this day planned down to the hour, for months. My girlfriend Beckette will be here soon to ride with me and my father. She is one grade younger than me, and I mentally curse her mother for placing her in Kindergarten a year late. Beckette holds a perfect grade point average like I did, she is beyond brilliant and will joining me here at WSU next fall. I do wish she was coming now, especially considering that I won't know a single face at college. I just need a good roommate, that is all I am asking for.

"Castiel Alexander!"

"I am coming down now, please don't call my name again!" I yell as I walk down the stairs. I hate when he uses my middle name against me.

Beckette is sitting at the table across from my father, dressed in a long blue skirt and white top. Her dark brown hair is pulled into a high ponytail and she smiles at me as I enter the room.

"Hey college boy," she meets me and pulls me in for a tight hug.

"Hey," I give her a sincere smile back and adjust the collar of my shirt once she releases me from her grip.

"Son, we can wait a couple more minutes for you to fix your hair. You don't want to show up looking like that," My father says as he runs his disapproving eyes over my appearance.

I make my way to the mirror in the hallway and nod, he may be right. My hair needs to be presentable for today, and of course he did not hesitate to correct my wrongs. He never does.

"I'm going to help your dad put your bags in the car," Beckette tells me as I am gelling my hair and picks up the keys from the table. With a quick kiss to my cheek, she leaves the room.

The butterflies in my stomach dance around as I walk out to the car, at least I have two hours to make them disappear. I have no idea what college will be like, will I even make any friends?


"Here we are!" My father announces as we drive through the stone gate and into the campus.

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