Chapter Two

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After an hour of my father warning me against parties and my girlfriend going over the temptations I might face while being in a Co-Ed dorm, they finally make their move to leave. With a Mark Novak-style firm handshake, he exits the room, informing Beckette he will be waiting in the car.

"I will miss not having you around everyday," she say softly into my shoulder when she pulls me into her tiny arms. I inhale her perfume, the one I have bought her three Christmas' in a row and sigh. I will miss the familiar scent and comforting hugs.

"I will miss you too, but we will talk everyday." I promise and tighten my arms around her. "I really wish you were here this year," I say and she begins to nuzzle into my neck. Beckette is just barely a few inches shorter than me, but I like that neither of us tower over each other. She kisses me goodbye as my father impatiently honks the horn.

After Beckette and my father are officially gone, I begin to unpack my belongings. My clothes are neatly folded and stored in the small dresser, the remainder are hung color-coordinated in my half of the closet. I cringe at the amount of leather and animal prints covering the opposite side.

Feeling exhausted, I lay across the bed. Loneliness is already creeping its way into me and it doesn't help that my roommate is gone, no matter how uncomfortable her friends make me. I have a feeling she will be gone a lot, or worse, she may have company over too often. Why couldn't I get roommate who loved to stay in and read or study? I suppose it good be a good thing because I will have the room to myself. So far college isn't what I had dreamed of, nor expected but it's only been a few hours, tomorrow will be better, it has to be.

Before bed I gather my planner and textbooks, taking time to write down my classes for the semester and my potential meetings for the literary club I plan on joining. I'm still undecided on that but I read a few student testimonials and I want to check it out. I pencil in a trip off campus tomorrow to get some more things for my dorm room, I don't plan on decorating the way that Kate has, but I would like to add a few of my own touches to my side of the room. The fact that I don't have a car yet will make that a little difficult, the sooner I get one, the better. I have enough money from graduation gifts and savings but I'm not sure if I want the stress of owning a car right now. The fact that I live on campus gives me full access to public transport. With thoughts of schedules, purple haired girls, and boys with tattoos, I drift off to sleep with my planner still in my hand.

The next morning Kate is not in her bed. I would like to get to know her but I might as well not if she is the type to stay out all night. Maybe one of the two boys she was with was her boyfriend, I hope it was the nice dark haired one for her sake. I grab my shower bag and make my way to the bathrooms. One of my least favorite things so far about dorm life is the showers, why can't each room have it's own instead of a community shower room? It's awkward, and I'm praying that it's not co-ed. My wishes go unanswered when I reach the door and see two stick figures, one male and one female, on a tiny sign in front of the bathroom. Having both girls and guys makes for an extremely feeling walking into the bathrooms, who knows whats happened behind those curtains. I plan to set my alarm at least an hour early to avoid the crowded co-eds in the bathroom from now on.

The shower takes too long to heat up and I am paranoid that someone will pull back the thin curtain separating my naked body from a room of both genders. Everyone seems to be comfortable despite the fact that they shouldn't be. College life is so strange so far. The stall is tiny, lined with a small rack to hang my clothes on while I shower and barely enough room to stretch my arms out in front of me. I find my mind drifting back home and to Beckette. I am distracted as I turn around and knock my elbow into the rack, my clean clothes fall to the wet floor. The water continues to fall onto the pile, completely soaking them.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groan to myself, hastily cutting the water off and I wrap the towel around my waist, grabbing the pile of heavy, soaked clothes and rush down the hall. I've never been as comfortable with my body as most guys are, just the way I've always been. I reach my room and shove the key in, instantly relaxing until I turn around and see the light brown haired boy sprawled across Kate's bed.

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