3. Horrible Date

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Zoës Pov:
I finally get home and go upstairs and look at the clock.


Well I have time before my "date" with satan.

I cuddle up in my bed and grab my phone to check social media and such. I was updating my troyler fan fiction when I looked at the clock to see it was 5:45pm. I decided I should start to get ready.

I got in the shower and tried to wash away all my fears and worries about this boy.

I finally got out and dried my body and hair off and started to look for an outfit.

I decided on my light pink strapless dress with silver heels.

I curled my hair and did my makeup.
Not long after I heard a knock at my door. I grabbed my phone and hand wallet and answered the door.

I opened the door to see Kian leaning on the frame and smirking. He looked me up and down and looked back at my face.

"Cute," he said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door and to his car.
He opened the door for me and I quickly got in not saying a word, scared I would show how frightened I was.

He got into the drivers side and started the engine and drove off.

About half way there he put his hand on my knee making me flinch. I don't usually like it when guys touch me or anything that feels like it could put me in danger, you can thank my past.

He quickly took it away and looked at me weirdly.

"Why'd you flinch?" He asked asked confusion written all over his face.

I just shrugged and looked out the window.

Kian turned on the radio and one of my favorite songs came on, Battle Scars.

I started to hum the words letting a few of the lyrics slip.

These battlescars
Don't look like their fading
Don't look like there ever going away
They ain't never gonna change
These battles...

Kians Pov:
I kept driving and trying to release some tension I turned on the radio. The music played and I could hear light humming and quiet words. I looked over and saw Zoë singing the song and humming to the beat.

I don't know what it is about her that draws me to her but something's there.
She's nothing like who I usually go for.
I just get girls from bars, do a one night stand, and send them off.

But Zoë is different.

She's small and fragile. Innocent in a way. She's tiny and petite. I always want to just pick her up and never leave her. I don't mean to be aggressive.

That's just how I am.

Zoës Pov:
We finally get to the place Kian was taking me for are "date". It was a little restaurant. Kian got my door and helped me out. He grabbed my hand and interlocked are fingers. Weirdly I didn't mind.

We go in and get a table and sit down.
Not long after a woman comes and takes are drinks.

"I'll take a cherry cola," Kian says looking up at the girl smirking when he sees the face.

The girl seems shaky and worried and looks at me with pity.

"And for you Hun?" She asked as I look over the menu.

"I'll take that iced tea," I say looking up at her.

"Okay I'll be right back with the drinks,"she says and the minute Kian looks away she mouths "I'm srry" to me and I just nod.

Kian keeps staring at me till he gets up to use the restroom. The waitress comes back with the drinks.

"Are you okay?" She asked putting the drinks on the table.

"Yea, just scared," I say looking up a little shaken.

"I understand. He's dangerous. I'll try to come back as much as I can. If anything go to the bathroom there's a window to get out," she says with a sympathetic smile till Kian comes back and looks at her with a glare.

"I came to take orders. Your date wanted me to wait for you before taking orders," the waitress says grabbing her note pad and pen.

"Well. I'll take the grilled chicken with salad." Kian says emotionless looking at me waiting for me to order.

"I'll take the summer salad with strawberries," I say handing her my menu.

She just nods and walks away till someone comes up and taps me on the shoulder.

I turn around to see one of my best friends, Jacob.

"Jacob!" I say getting excited and hugging him.

He hugs me back with a giant smile too.

Kians gets up and steps between us.

"Who the hell are you?" Kian says looking at Jacob in disgust.

"Jacob, one of Zoës best friends," Jacob says getting a little shaky even though he's the same height and weight as Kian probably.

"Well you should fucking leave. Zoë's mine," Kian says shoving Jacob make making him stumbling back.

I run to Jacob and help him back to his feet, just to have Kian rip me off of him and punches Jacob.

"KIAN STOP THATS MY FRIEND!" I yell trying to shove him off, but Kian just throws me back so I land of the ground.

I look at Kian is fear and slowly get up and run towards the bathroom.

I run in and lock the door so Kian can't get in. I quickly climb towards the window and get out of the restaurant.

That is until Kian sees me.

I run and fast as I can with Kian on my tail. I take off my heels so I can run faster and run down to the beach. I look back to see Kian close behind. I run and run until I get to tired and fall down.

Kian runs and looks down at me full of anger. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and walks back to the car. I try to kick and hit but he's holding me to tightly.

He pretty much throws me into the car and drives to his house. He parks and gets out and opens my door only to throw me over his shoulder again and walk inside.

He puts me down and pins me against the wall. He holds my hands above my head, his other hand holding my hips into the wall.

"Why did you run," he growls in my ear.

"Y-you were hurting one of my best friends," I say tears starting to run down my face from how scared I was and how hard his grip is on me.

"Then why were you so happy and close. What did he do to help you," Kian says making his grin tighter causing me to yelp out in pain, but that didn't stop him.

"HE SAVED ME FROM MY LAST BOYFRIEND!" I yell now bawling my eyes out.

But minute I say that, im let go and picked up. I cry into his neck and am being carried upstairs. He lays me down of the bed and doesn't let go

"What happened with you last boyfriend," Kian asked with concern in his voice.

Well now I have to explain.

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