5. Dont Fuck With You

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Zoës Pov:
Time skip to a few days later

I wake up to see my alarm clock ringing saying it's time for school.

I groan as I sit up and head to get up ready.

I jump into the shower, then get dried off and put on leggings, a long muscle tank, a SnapBack, and my high top converse.

I grab all my stuff, plus my penny board and skate off to school.

When I finally get there I go straight to my locker, grab my stuff, and head to my first period. I walk in and look around.

I've only been at school for a few days so I still don't know many people. Most of my friends who live here don't go to this school, or there not in school and are off doing there own thing. I look around and see a boy sitting in the corner on his phone.

He had dirty blondish hair, green eyes, and was tall. He was wearing a sweater and skinny jeans with a beanie.

He seemed nice so I went and sat next to him with a smile.

"Hey! I'm Zoë," I say with a small smile.

"Well Hello Zoë, I'm Connor," he says with a small but toothy smile as well.

We get to talking and we have a lot in common and become close quick. We talk throughout the whole class and he invited me to sit with him at lunch.
Soon class ends and we head are separate ways.

Time skip to lunch

I make my way to lunch and look around for Connor. I see him in the corner with a few other people. I make my way over and Connor greets me.

"Hey Zoë! These are my friends Ricky, Andrea, and Jenn," he says introducing everyone who all happily greet me but soon go back to there conversations.

I just chat with them and look around at everyone in the lunch room till my eyes land on someone.


He was just staring at me and when he saw me looking, he just smirked and looked away.

I decided to leave lunch a few minutes early so I could grab some books from my locker.

So I excuse myself from Connors table and make my way to my locker, but on my way, got stopped by a bigger figure.

I try to go around but I can't, causing me to look up at him.

I didn't recognize the person at all.

"Excuse me, I need to get to my locker," I say trying one more time to go around, but this time he just grabbed my arms and pushed me into the lockers.

"Actually I was trying to get to you, in you would be even better," he says about to kiss me. I try to kick him and move as much as I can till I feel a horrible pain rush through my cheek.
I hold my cheek in fear. This kid just smacked me.

I scream to try and get someone's attention till I feel another smack to my face, until I hear something.

"Get the hell away from her!" I hear someone yell, but the voice could only belong to Kian.

I look in his direction and see him running this way and knock the other guy off his feet.

He pounces on the guy and sends some hard punches and kicks to his face and sides.

I just stand shaking.

My anxiety started to kick in and I started to cry.

I just can't handle these things.

I look down, tears streaming down my face, until I feel a presence in front of me.

I look up to see Kian looking down at me.

"I told him don't fuck with you," he says softly.

I just look at him still shaking and crying, till I feel myself being lifted off the floor and into safe arms.

Kians Pov:
I pick Zoë up and into my arms, she seems so little and fragile at that moment. I pick her up hoping that would help calm her.

She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, as well as her head.

I put my hands on her thighs to support her with one arm rubbing her back.

Why does everyone want to hurt her. She never did shit to anyone.

But I shouldn't focus on that. I just carry her out of the school, to someplace where she can be safe.

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