Chapter one- Are You Serious?

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-jess's p.o.v-

Hey i'm jess i'm 16 going onto 17 and i'm in year 11 I'm currently in the school hall watching all the people walking past me. I look to the side and i see a large group of people crowded around something, I take my earphones out and walk to the front of the circle and its a fight, I see Alex who was my ex a few months back throwing punches at my mate ben i'm sorry but i know what Ben goes through and he doesn't deserved to be beat up anymore. I stand in front of Ben and that makes Alex stop hitting him i look up at Alex

"Stop it"

"Of course you would stand up for him! And why should i?"

"Because he doesn't deserve it, what could he had possibly done this time to make you pissed?" I say and look him dead in the eyes knowing this was also more then just about this fight he is pissed at me for more reasons.

"He knows he fucked up i'll let him explain it to you" he says and walks off and the crowed disappears I turn and face Ben

"Wanna talk?" I say and he nods, I take his hand and take him outside. The bell goes and everyone goes to class and me and ben sit outside on the seat.

"Whats up?" I ask and he looks down

"I fucked up" is all he says i put my hand on his shoulder

"Ben what happened?"

"I got Alex's little sister pregnant" he says still looking down i look to the side to take it in, I really liked ben like i really liked him, he knows what i go through because he goes through the same thing i look down and play with my hands.

"How old is she?"

"15" he says and i squeeze my eyes shut knowing he fucked up. I look up and he's still looking down i rub my thumb on the side of his neck to signal him to look up at me, he gets the hint and he looks up at me with watery eyes and a tear runs down his face. I pull him into a hug and my eyes start to get teary from seeing him upset.

"It'll all be fine don't worry about it" i say and pull away from the hug and turn to the side and let a few tears run down my face

"Whats wrong?" He ask

"Nothing " i say and wipe away my tears and face him And his face drops

"What happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your face"

I give him a confused look and then i remember, I quickly turn away and face the other way.

"Its nothing"

"Bullshit its nothing" he puts his hand on my shoulder and i turn around to face him, he wipes under my eyes my make up must have runned down from my tears i probably wiped it off.

"Its a bruise " he says and looks worried and starts to wipe off more make up and reveals more bruises.

"What is this? Who did this?" He asks and i look down.

"Your dad?" He says and i nod

"But your such a beautiful girl your family seemed so nice what happened?"

"My dad started getting more aggressive at me after my brother left its hard to have a dad thats a alcoholic and drug addict" i say and more tears run down my face, I change the subject

"Anyway so whats your next move with the girl?"

"Well she wants me to help her raise it but if my mum finds out about me getting her pregnant  she will kick me out and i will have to leave my little sister i can't do that, then my mum would abuse her and i will not let that happen and i'm not going to let her have a abortion its to cruel "

"So your just going to forget about her and leave her?"

"Well we were never together it was kind of just a one night stand "

"I'll support you no matter what you choose"

"Maybe you can help me?"

"How so?"

"Can we pretend to be in a relationship to show her that I've moved on?"

"Sure" i smile and the bell goes. We stand up and he puts his arm around me and he starts walking, we go to my locker and ben is looking at this one girl. is that her? I look at her and she has tears rolling down her face and ben faces me and kisses me very passionately, I kiss back and watch as the girl walks away crying, I feel so mean. he pulls away and smiles at me and i look over and see Alex giving us the biggest death stare and I feel a steak go through my heart from the disappointment in his eyes.

Ben walks out the school with me and we go to he's house because its the closest. we stand out the front of his house as a bus pulls up and a little girl gets off, its Bella his little sister. I normally come over to bens a lot she is always so shy at first but shes used to me now. She gets off the bus and jumps on ben and he picks her up, she's only 5 but ben's mum was always a drunk and there dad left them when ben was 10 so he raised Bella himself. We walk inside and his mum is on the couch drinking. Me and ben walk upstairs and he carries Bella he would actually be such a good dad. 

We get upstairs and he puts bella in her room

"Benny benny!"


" we made cookies today"

"Thats really good! Where they yummy?" He says and she nods with a big smile, he kisses her on the forehead and we walk out and go to bens room, i sit on his bed "So are you just going to pretend you don't know uh whats her name?"


"Yeah her"

"Um probably i'm just going to act like nothing happened"

I sigh "alright well i'm going to go home, my dad is probably going to yell at me for being late"

"Alright" he says and walks up to me and puts his hands around my waist "thank you for today" he says and kisses me, i kiss back and smile witch makes him deepen the kiss. He pulls me closer and i wrap my arms around him and continue kissing him. He grabs my hands and starts walking back and slowly pulls me with him. He walks towards his bed. I part the kiss but he keeps pulling me with him.

"Ben i have to go" i say and he kisses down my neck

"Just a little bit longer" he says and i pull away

"I really can't not today" Then he pulls me onto the bed and i lay next to him and he kisses me with his tongue exploring my mouth and we stay like this until 5 minute go by.

"What's going on here?" We hear a voice say and we turn around and see his mum ben sits up and i do the same

"Uh sorry miss" i say and stand up " i'll see you tomorrow ben " i say and he kisses me one more time and i walk out and go to my house.

-ben's p.o.v-

After jess leaves my mum hits me across the face. "What? What did i do?" I ask and she looks at me in disgust "No dating! No girlfriends ben no!" She yells at me and slaps me twice as hard as last time. "I'm 17 mum! "

Then my mums boyfriend comes in he scares me the most he's bigger and stronger then me. I shield myself with my arms preparing for him and he picks me up to my feet and slaps me and knees me in the guts, I fall to the ground in pain and he walks out i hold my gut in pain.

Sometimes i feel like they will take any chance they can to hurt me when i do nothing wrong?

-jess's p.o.v-

I fall to the ground in pain as my dad kicks me in my side i whine this is what i get for coming home late? He kicks me 3 more times in the same spot and tears run down my face he picks me up and undoes his belt and pulls his pants down i put my arms in front of my face  no no not this again!

-20 mins later-

After his finished he pulls his pants up and puts his belt back on and i just cry

"Stop crying!" He yells at me i try to stop but i can't.

"Stop crying!!" He hits me once more and he walks away i walk into my room and shut the door and lock it. my dad used to be such a nice person now his this i cry myself to sleep most nights cause of him.

My Boyfriend Got A 15 Year Old Pregnant? Where stories live. Discover now