Chapter 11

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Beth's POV
I woke in the morning in my apartment.I was lazy.I had nothing to do today.It was quiet and my apartment felt gloomy.I called Cam a bijilion times.But he didn't reply . I was kinda pissed. I heard a knock on the door and went to open it. I was still in my pink pajamas and a tank top.I opened the door to see Andrew. Shit.I closed the door in less than a second."Please open Bethany".I frankly didn't want to.I kept quiet."Beth, I know you're in there".He sounded gentle and soft,not like the other times when he forcefully brought up a conversation.I opened the door."If this is about us....".He gently placed his finger on my mouth. "It isn't", he said. I allowed him to come in . I served him breakfast on my table .He was quiet.But why?After finishing his breakfast he took a deep breath and said something,"Bethany I know you and Cameron have a thing but all I wanted to say was that I love you dearly.But I could never express it.I guess that's what was my mistake. I never understood you enough." There were tears in his eyes . He stood up and went straight to the door.I didn't know what was happening.Why was he doing this?All of a sudden?Out of the blue.I needed to know.But now I guess I had feelings for him.Before he left the door he turned around and gave a small smile and left .

Hey lovlies.Okay so let's see how long has it taken me to update this story -A billion years.Sorry .Is it to late now to say Sorry.Thanks you'll for reading.I'lol post Cameron's POV in a few hours

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