Jokes on You

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There had certainty been an... Uproar since Emily joined the Asylum. The inmates of the sector shared mixed emotions about the female, that was clear. Jerome's emotions, however, were very clouded. Half of him wanted to be happy and pleased that he knew someone in the Asylum. However, that positive feeling was soon withering, as a more stronger and prominent thing came into Jerome's head...

A memory. The very things he tried to forget. Memories brought feelings of either happiness or sadness - the emotions which he detests with all his heart. However, as much as he tried to push this memory to the back of his head, it crawled back up refusing to die down like many other memories.

The first thing Jerome could remember about Emily was the showstopping performance she did. You see, Jerome didn't do much at the circus - his mother was the main attraction, so he was just there for moral support and cleaning. He remember, perfectly, the routine she practiced many times before the main show. The cloud roaring with applause filled his head, as he watched from the side entrance of the tent.

The way her smile graced her flawless complexion made Jerome hearts flutter. He'd never seen anyone so happy about their performance.

It was when he felt that very emotion he felt the first day he laid eyes upon Emily his facial expressions turned into a sly smirk. Sure, he wanted to push those positive emotions back into the dark abyss that was his mind, but he couldn't help recall another memory..

"Jerome.. Please, don't go."

"What?" Jerome turned around, clenching his fists.

"I.. Jerome, just don't go... Please." The blonde whispered, her nails digging into the center of her small palm.

"Why do you care?" He shot back. He wasn't going to let Emily foil his plan. She knew he was going to do something tonight, but she didn't even comprehend that he was going to kill his own mother...


"Come on, spit it out. Cat got your tongue?" Jerome became more sarcastic with each word, clearly bored by this conversation.

"I bloody like you, okay? You're the only person I trust in this world, and-"

"Save your words. I'm not the one for your feelings." It was, with these words, Jerome turned his back on Emily....

From what Jerome recalled, Emily felt something for him. So, if he played his cards right, and toyed with her emotions... Well, this hell hole was going to get a lot more exciting. Seeing Emily sitting down, with her head in her hands, Jerome whistled while walking up to her.

"Hey there, gorgeous. Did ya miss me?" The ginger male asked, sitting down beside her with a grin. When she gave no response, Jerome's smile flattered a bit. "Don't say ya dead - that's not gonna' be any fun, is it?"

"What do you want, Jerome?" The blonde asked, her words muffled.

"Why, I just wanted to say hello. After all, I know you're happy to see me.." With a sly grin on his face, Emily looked up and stared at him with emotionless eyes. Her face, at times, reminded Jerome of a blank canvas, with no hint of color or emotion. "So, what 'cha in for?"

"You don't keep up with the news?"

"Well, it's hard when there is no TVs in here, doll." At his new nickname for her, Emily rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Heard of that villain, the one who wears a blue mask?" Jerome searched through his brain, skimming through his thoughts to find something of importance with a 'blue mask' in it's description.

"Oh, the one who burnt down that bank?" Now he remembered. A guy with a blue mask, the one who was the main source of interest from the GCPD for many crimes - mainly arson.

"Well, do you know who was behind it?"

"Lemme guess - a guy who has issues?" Jerome pondered out loud, raising a quizzical brow when Emily grumbled. "What?"

"You know in the circus, when I wore that blue mask? Does that ring a bell?"

Jerome paused. Okay, from what he remembered, Emily did wear a complete blue outfit with a blue mask... Was she...? She couldn't be - Emily wouldn't hurt a fly... Jerome knew, however, that Emily had to do something significant to get locked up in here.

"And please, don't think just because it's a criminal that it's a male."

"So you... You're behind it?"

"Bingo. You've got your eyes on the prize, Garfield." Returning her head back into her hands, Jerome couldn't help but feel his smile fade after he heard the word 'Garfield'. Jerome always gave people nicknames, but he never received a nickname. So, of course, there were mixed emotions about Garfield.

"What made you so corrupted then? My mother was the source of my insanity - I murdered her with a hatchet. You remember her?"

"Of course I remember her, dummy. I was the one who found her and whom you threatened to kill if anyone found out." Even though Jerome couldn't see her face, he had a feeling she was rolling her eyes at him... That's twice in the space of two minutes.

"If you really wanna know, Garfield, I snapped because of everyone around me. Everyone was so happy... So joyful. It made me sick. So, why stay sane all your life, when you can do something more.. Exhilarating?"

"Damn, Emily. You're sounding more and more like me."

"Shut up, Garfield."

"Please, stop calling me that... McIntyre." It was, at his last words, he received a big hard slap across his face. With his head snapping to the side, he held his cheek in his hand, fury in his eyes.

"Call me McIntyre one more time and I swear I'll -"

"Emily McIntyre?" A guard called, knocking on the window of the sector. "Someone's here to see you." All the inmates turned around, looking at the blonde, as she sighed with annoyance.

"Well, looks like I'll see you later, Garfield." Standing up, she walked towards the door, Jerome's anger filled eyes still following her. Once she exited, he retreated his hand from his face.

"Damn, she really did slap ya', huh?" A guy with frizzy brown hair and a psychotic grin asked, sitting beside Jerome.

"I'll get her back. Trust me."

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