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To say people were avoiding Jerome was an understatement. Nobody wanted to talk to him, they all took interest towards the new woman in the Asylum. Jerome was thankful, he just wanted to be alone for a bit. You see, Jerome always had issues... Problems. He felt the need to be the center of attention, though fragments of him wanted to be left alone. His mood would switch in an instant, nobody was safe from his sudden swings.

Currently tapping his fingers against the cold metal table in the middle of the sector, he was staring absentmindedly into the corner of the room. Occasionally he would smile, frown, and chuckle at that corner. Maybe things were going on in his head. Maybe he was eavesdropping on other people.

Nobody knew what was going on in Jerome's head.

Not even him.

Abruptly, he was forced out of his trance by the sound of a chair scraping across the floor - a noise that Jerome hated with a passion. Looking over his shoulder, he saw someone. Someone he didn't want to talk too.

"Look, Jerome, I know you-"

"Mad? Yes, I am."

"But why?" Emily questioned, a quizzical brow raised accompanied by a frown on her pale lips. "Seriously, last time I remembered you wanted nothing to do with me... Why the sudden change of heart?"

Jerome said nothing. His fist simply bundled into a fist, fingers no longer tapping on the table but now digging into the center of his palm.

"Jerome.. I just want to help, maybe I can unders-"

"Understand?!" Jerome snapped, turning to face Emily completely. "Nobody can understand! Why do you think you can? You're just a stupid girl with nobody to love you!" His words seethed from his mouth like venom, as he banged his fist on the table with a force that shook the table. Without a second warning, Jerome felt a force upon his cheek which made his head snap to the side. With anger clouding his eyes, he looked back at Emily, hand on his now red cheek.

"You've just lost your ticket out of here, buddy!" At her words, most of the inmates looked at them, despite their attempts to ignore them. With these words everybody was interested - she could get out? Could she get them out?

"What the hell are you talking about?!" He yelled back, standing up from the seat in pure fury. Emily matched his height as she stood up, glaring daggers into his eyes.

"Remember yesterday? This man offered me a way out... Us a way out. I was trying to tell you, but now, you can stay in here." Turning around, she stormed off into her cell, and she closed the iron door with a slam.

Jerome paused. A way out? They could get out? He'd just sabotaged his chance of getting out?

'Well done Jerome, you've dug yourself an even deeper hole', he thought to himself.


Jerome found it hard to fall into a sleep that night. Too many thoughts and emotions were swirling around his head, it made him feel sick. He soon sat up in the rather uncomfortable mattress, and rose to his feet. He would set things right.

Creeping out of his cell, he opened the door to Emily's cell - number 149...

She wasn't there.

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