Chapter 13

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Here is Wex's POV. It is when she is in Japan. YAY!!!


"Next up to Japan." said the conductor as I borderd the train.

I sat in a seat in the back of the train. My bag was in the seat beside me.

I reached in the bag for my T-Phone, when I saw the present that Leo gave me. I grabbed it and unwrapped the wrapping paper.

I smiled at what was inside.

It was a Space Heroes shirt that had Best Space Friend on it.

I smiled. "Leo....."

"We're at the stop Japan." said the conductor.

I hopped off my seat and went off the train. 

I gasped at the sight of everything. It looked so real, other than the pictures that Splinter showed me. 

I wrapped my hand the note that Splinter gave me for the Ancient One. Splinter said not to read it, until the Ancient One read it. In my other hand was a picture of him, so I could find him from the crowd. 

It actually wasn't that hard. I quickly spotted him.

Apparently, there wasn't that many short chubby guys with a straw hat.

I walked over to him.

"Hello. Are you the Ancient One?" I said to him.

He looked up at me. 

"Yes. Indeed I am." he said.

I handed him the note that Master Splinter gave me. 

His face looked amazed.

"What? What does it say?" I asked.

I took the note from him and read it.

Hello Sensai. This is my student Wex Finnick. I sent her here for you to teach her how to become a ninja. She desperately wants to  help my sons in defeating Oroku Saki. Other than my sons, she has some fellow allies as well. She had a tough time during her young years, and needs some sort of guide. So, I sent her to my most trusted teacher that I know. You.

Take care of her, 

Hamoto Yoshi

I looked at him. 

"You really are great as he says." I said.

The Ancient One nodded.

He gestered me towards him.

"Come my child, you must of had a long trip." he said. 

I nodded and followed him.


I know this chapter is short, but be happy I'm almost finished the book. Please bear with me. The next chapter is going to be short too, since I just want this book to be over.

So, enjoy this book, because it's about to end, soon. 

fluffyandme20, I'm catching up.

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