chapter 4

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(Natsu, Lucy and Happy are running down the street. Natsu us holding Lucy's hand while running)

Lucy: N-Natsu wait! Do you even know where to go??

Natsu: Heh of course! to your house!

Happy: Aye!

Lucy: Why my house?

Natsu: Our future selves are probably there!

Lucy: How do you know?

Natsu: Just a feeling.

(While the 3 were running, Lucy saw a child being bullied)

Lucy: Natsu! Stop!

(They stopped)

Natsu: What is it Lucy?

Lucy: Look! That child is being bullied.

(The bullies and the child were talking)

Bully 1: Give us some money!

Child: B-But... I don't have any...

Bully 2: You don't have money? hehe so then we will have to beat you to give it to us!

(Natsu runs to stop the bully)

(Just when the child was about to be hit someone stopped the fist)

Bully 1: Who are you punk?

Person: Picking on the weak? How pathetic!

(The bullies hand is on fire. The person punches the 2 bullies)

Bully 2: W-We will remember this!

(The 2 bullies run away)

Child: Thanks for saving me mister.

Person: Welcome! You should watch out for bad guys from now on.

Child: O-Ok.

(The child runs away)

(Natsu saw the person save the child along with Lucy and Happy)

Natsu:That was great! I was about to beat them too. hehe it was a good thing you did before me. I would have made them into ashes!

Person: Huh? This voice...

(The person turns around. Natsu is shocked)

Natsu: A-Aki!?? Is that you??

Aki: D-Dad!!?? What are you doing here!!???

(Lucy and Happy run towards Natsu and Aki)

Lucy: NATSU! Huh?? Aki! You're here! and wait you look older!

Aki: W-What?? Did you come from the past?

Natsu: heh yeah! we came to see you!

Aki: WOW! That's great! But how did you do it?

Happy: We used "The Book of Memories".

Aki: But it was not supposed to send you to the future...

Natsu: Never mind that! We're here now!

Aki: heh you're right! Im glad you came! Do you see something different about me?

Lucy: Well you look older than when we meet you in the past.

Aki: Im 17 now!

Natsu: Ahhh! The same age as us!

Aki: hehe it's weird having your parents the same age as you.

Lucy: hehe you're right.

(Aki takes Lucy's and Natsu's hand and starts walking)

Lucy: huh? Where are we going Aki?

Aki: To our home. I have someone to introduce you to!

Natsu: Someone to introduce us to?

Aki: Yeah!

going to the future (2nd book of the family series)Where stories live. Discover now